A place at his side.

Keeping one hand on her arm he pulled his cloak off and flung it around her shoulders, it enveloped her, cocooning her in darkness.

He felt her presence in the force drastically dim before her eyes drooped and she fell into his chest, his arms instinctively tightening around her small fame. 

His sigh was mangled by his mask as he picked her up.

Taking her out of that room felt like a weight lifting off his chest.

He just couldn't let her past his defences, he wouldn't.

His old master had warned him about this sort of thing 

But he had killed him, so his advice clearly wasn't the best.  

Lost in thought he realised something about the path he was stomping through the Supremacy's halls.

He was taking her back to his chambers.

-'Little Rebel'-


You groaned as you rolled onto your side, muscles crying out in protest.

Was this what the cold abyss of space felt like? It was so soft, more like clouds. You wiggled your toes, so satiny, so...

Did you enter an atmosphere?

You were no physician but that was certainly impossible.

Also you were breathing. A good indication that something had gone awry in the Supreme Leader's plan to kill you. The steady pumping of your heart slowly brought life back to your limbs, letting your chest deflate in a long exhale you opened your eyes, a gleaming dark distinctly very first ordery ceiling was above you.

Hell. you were in hell. 

What the kriff what did you do to deserve that?

But you could see the outline of your blurry reflection in that ceiling. So obnoxiously shiny, you were in a bed, not clouds.

Pleased to find that you could, you moved, rolling away from your reflection and rubbing your eyes before looking around.

Kylo Ren had his back to you, he stood across the room his hands were braced on his desk,  he had lost his cloak and helmet, so for him, practically naked.


It was getting rather repetitive but it was the first thing that crossed your mind.

Easing the sheets from where they were tangled around your legs you slid your feet to the ground, careful not to make a sound you pushed yourself to your feet.

Glancing to Kylo Ren you saw he was still in the same position.

You took steps towards the door, your heart beating wildly, thumping so hard you were certain he must be able to hear it.

While it may not have been your heart that alerted him, something certainly did because no sooner had you touched the control pad on the door you heard his voice

Again you were tugged backwards, again you landed facing away from him with his arm trapping your's to your sides.

"We must stop running into each other like this " Sarcasm saturating his deep voice.

"Let go of me" you gritted out.

"Stop running" he replied lowly.

"Stop chasing" You fired back attempting to wriggle away from his Fibrolite grip. 

He exhaled through that strong nose of his, you felt it on the top of your head.

"You'll stay here, sleep in that bed tonight. While we are training tomorrow i'll have another installed"

"In here? No no no way I'd rather room with a Yarkora"

"Don't forget your place here little rebel, your title as my apprentice changes nothing you are still a prisoner" Now it was his turn to grit his teeth, annoyance leaking from his tone.

You attempted to move out of his grip again, gritting your teeth. You couldn't figure out which title angered you more, "Apprentice" or "Prisoner"

But he tightened his arm around you, leaning down to your ear making the little hairs on the back of you neck rise.

"My prisoner"

Sorry for the shorter chapter, hope everyone is enjoying, please feel free to interact with comments, queries and concerns.

Maybe some constructive criticism.

But also some praise. Definitely praise ;)

Ashes to Ashes  |  A Kylo Ren StoryWhere stories live. Discover now