Party Aftermath

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Ambrose's Pov

I woke up with a nasty headache, I felt like shit. I saw the note from Kian and read it. "You got your Jacket. You are rock bottom. See how far you can get without being killed," The note read. I growled and threw it... I'm glad there is a bathroom down the hall with some form of shower in it. I got up and held my head, I grabbed my clothes and jacket and went to that bathroom.

I shut the door and got undressed. The bathroom was dimly lit and there was just a shower head with hot and cold handles. There were bottles of shampoo and conditioner on this lopsided shelf. I turned the water on and pulled the plastic curtain closed. I took this time to think about everything...I was planning on talking to Dimitri about last night.

I think...I might be gay..I haven't found any intrest in girls. A few times I've kissed them...But I never...Felt this way about girls... Dimitri does something to me that I don't quite understand how I was feeling...I need to talk to him.

I finished my shower and got dressed. I put on my jacket...I fixed my hair and walked out of the bathroom. Still with a pounding headache. I walked down the hall to where Damari, Livia, Keria, and Dimitri were talking. "Hey Dimitri, can we talk? I got some questions that need to be answered," I said. "Yeah, sure.." He sighs and looks at me. "Nice jacket," he smirked a bit, "Let's have this talk, Cya guys I'll be back soon. Make sure you do your damn jobs," He laughed and they did as well.

We went to his room and he shut the door. I sat on his bed and he sat on his chair. "I'm guessing you wish to speak about our little kiss last night," he asks as he looks at me with a smirk. I nod and look up at him. "To answer one question you might have, I'm bisexual. Don't fucking say anything to anyone. Kian would pay some guys to do some fucked shit to me," he sighs and looks away. "I understand...You fucking confused me...I had a feeling I wasn't a straight man but now I...I guess I'm sure. I'm fuckin gay!" He laughed a bit as I said that. "I get it, just don't go around sayin that shit here. Yeah we got Keria but Kian is a sicko and thinks it is hot," He explained, "But I could kiss you again if you'd like. Also what type of feeling is it?" he smirked.

"A lustful feeling... but then again I'm unsure...," I said as he stood up...he began walking over to me. As soon as he got to me he lifted my chin...I felt those lips on mine once again. I kissed him back, pressing my lips more into his. I put my hand on his jacket, This heated.. He put his hand around my neck..This was something I would remember...

He managed to get his tongue into my mouth. I tried to fight for dominance with my tongue but he was clearly the one dominating me. He pulled away and looked at me. I pant and wipe my mouth. "That..Was great.." I told him smirking a bit. He lit a cigraette as he smirked at me giving me that fuck boy look. "Oh yeah? Damn guess we got to do it more often," He said as he put his cigarette in his mouth.

"I guess we should sometime," I smiled and fixed my hair. "Don't say anything about this or I will personally beat your ass," he smirked and blew smoke into my face. "Yes, Sir," I smiled and stood up. "Also, Go see Kian. You have your first assignment as a gang member, with myself and Scarlett," He told me. I nodded and kissed his cheek softly. I left his room and started down the hallway... Why did he..ngh that kiss was great.. I wonder what Kian wants...

I don't like Kian really...he is a stuck up bitch that is a whore....I can't stand him...but I won't say that to him..He he'd pay a guy to beat me to a pulp... I sighed.. He stole my sister.. ugh... Let's see what this bastard wants... As I opened the door I saw Kian with my sister and Scarlett on either side of him... I wonder what he wants...

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