Running Lost souls

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Ambrose's POV

I've been walking with Rainn for a few hours. The streets were filled with cars and the sidewalks were always being used. I have to keep a close eye on Rainn. Knowing her she would catch some pervs eye and she'd be gone.

We were walking and a few people were arguing in an alleyway. I stopped and pulled Rainn Close while listening in. There were a few people from the street gang in the east. What were they doing in the west? "We can't keep coming over here Lucican, we are on Les Perdus territory!" a voice said coming from the alley. Lucican? The dude from... Anam Briste. This got to be good.

"For God's sake I don't care! I have shit that needs to be done. I have to get more supplies, the shit over there isn't cutting it anymore!" Lucican said in a yelling whisper. "Ambrose, why are we here?" Rainn whispered. "Because it's the leader of Anam Briste. You can't ignore the fact they are in Les Perdus territory," I whispered to her.

I heard footsteps coming towards us. I booked it with my sister's hand in mine. I can't get involved with that gang. I would lose all my reputation. "Rainn, if you ever hear or see any members from Anam Briste. DO NOT TALK TO THEM," I told her. Things get twisted around in this city. One word said wrong with that gang you could be killed in a matter of a minute.

We were walking through the city looking at all the street art. The cool trippy designs were my favorite. The greatest part of it all was when I was tripping off shrooms and staring at the artwork for hours was the funniest shit I've seen. I sniffed the air it smelled like weed and spray paint.

We kept walking and got to this skate park where the guys were eyeing up my sister. "Rainn stay close or things will get messy," I said giving some guys death stares. I hated them. They act just like my dad eyeing up attractive women and preying on them. Like they are some form of predator.

She was walking like a slut. Ugh, swaying her hips for all the bums to eye her up. I growled and cursed her out under my breath. She was a whore just like our dad. As we got out of the skate park it was getting dark.

We still have no place to sleep tonight. "Ambrose it's getting cold and dark...," Rainn said as she shivered a bit. I gave her my jacket. It wasn't my first time leaving the house. "Here, stay warm I'll be fine," I said as we kept walking.

As we were walking, I saw a man standing against a graffiti covered wall. I walked past him with my sister. He started to follow us. I heard his footsteps from his combat boots hitting the sidewalk. I began to walk faster terrified on what he would do if he got close enough to me and my sister.

I pulled my sister into an alleyway, but before I could catch my breath he was standing right in front of us. I stood in front of my sister protecting her for whatever this dick head was planning to do. " You two got a place to go?" He asked while blowing smoke out of his mouth. He smelled like weed..It was hard to make out his face. "I was talkin' to ya, You two got a place to go or not?" He asked once again this time, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Uhm...No why does this matter to you?" I said trying to keep a strong look. I managed to see what he was wearing. A leather jacket that seemed to be black, it was dark and the street lights were the only thing lighting the alleyway. The lights were dim and the air was cold. He had beat up ripped jeans and a flannel wrapped around his waist. I saw chains around his neck with a few dog tags. "Come with me," He said and began to walk out of the alleyway.

I finally got a good look at him. I saw the back of his jacket and it had the symbol of Les Perdus on the back. I looked at him and muttered. "You're apart of Les Perdus?" He turned his gaze to me. "What did you say?" He asked. "Uhm..You're a part of Les Perdus.." I spoke up and looked at him. "Yeah, and lets get a move on it. I ain't got time for no cops. Now let's go or no shelter," He sounds a bit annoyed.

I nod and follow him, keeping an eye on Rainn. "I'm Ambrose and this is Rainn," I told him. He nods and says calmly "I'm Dimitri," he said as we walked. He handed me the blunt he was smoking before he got us. I took a few hits and gave it back to him.

"So, You are like...a Gang member?" Rainn asked and I just turned my gaze back at her as I blew smoke out my mouth. "Yeah, I'm one of the top two," he told us as it started to rain. "Fuck," I mumbled. "Don't worry we are almost there," he explained. He seems pretty chill, he looks scary but, chill. "Ugh, I'm getting soaked," Rainn mumbles under her breath. "Yeah wouldn't be the first time you were soaked," I snickered and I got Dimitri to laugh. My sister is a whore and he could obviously see that. She looks like a hooker for god's sake. But I still managed to care for her.

Everything we had with us is drenched. "Aight Look, Were close. Don't speak, don't look at them and keep your heads down. Don't worry about what they are saying and just keep to yourself. Almost as if you are not even there." My sister and I nodded as Dimitri took us down a few stairwells. It smelt of weed and lost causes..but I wouldn't say that aloud. As we got closer to this area the voices got louder..from who I am assuming is the others in this gang.

But I did as Dimitri told me and kept my thoughts and words to myself. My sister followed close behind as she gripped onto my arm being a bit nervous herself. I let out a sigh and continued to follow this Dimitri guy. We walked past a few small groups of people, the rooms being hot-boxed themselves. We were led to a room in the back. This room consisted of pretty much nothing besides a small bed, a few blankets and a few other things. All of the walls had some form of art on them..which was kind of cool to look at to be honest. "This is going to be your room..You don't come out of this room unless I come get you first. I have to let the others know what's happening." Dimitri stated. Rainn and I nod as he leaves. 

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