Les Purdus

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 Dimitri's pov

I groaned as I had walked out of the room, over to the others and out to Kian. He was the top dog I guess you could say. Yet he's a lazy bitch, but I couldn't say much about that situation without my head being blown off and my body being thrown into a damn lake or something. I walked past a few others and rolled my eyes. I hated this place..but it was all that I knew...and it is who I've become in the end.

I got to Kian's "room", I knocked before entering knowing him...He would have Scarlett in there giving him head or some shit. "It's open...just like Scarletts legs. But come in." Fucking... hate him and his cocky ass words.. I opened the door and let out a groan. I looked in his room to see a partially naked Scarlett..covered up in Kians blankets. Along with a shirtless Kian smoking a blunt. Seems about right, for him at least.

I mumbled under my breath. " We got these two kids here. They were out on the streets, no place to go, so I brought them in." Kian got up leaving Scarlett in bed, she seemed pissed. The little princess didn't get dick. Kian knocked his shoulder into mine as he walked out. I followed him keeping my distance. He gets pretty pissed when I bring new people in. I don't got time for a black eye.

I watched him open the door angrily. Once He opened it I saw that face he gets when he sees some whore that's "his type". He began eyeing up Rainn. I saw Ambrose's face, he was not havin it but he kept his cool. Scarlett came out of nowhere and crossed her arms. " Looks like I found a new play toy," Kian smirked and just eyed Rainn like she was his prey. Scarlett looked at Kian and smacked his arm. She walked away pissed off.

Ambrose looked at me and mouthed "what the fuck". He looked pissed. "What side are you two from?" Kian started his questioning. "The west," Ambrose replied. "What are your names?" Kian glared back at me. "I'm Rainn and he's Ambrose," Rainn managed to say her voice was shaky.

"No need to be scared sweetheart I'll take good care of you," Kian smirked and once again eyed up Rainn. It was disgusting he was like a predator. "Rainn sweetheart you're coming with me," Kian took Rainn's hand and took her out of the room.

Ambrose waited until Kian was finally gone to speak. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You just let him take my sister! What the fuck bro!" Ambrose yelled in a whisper. "I couldn't do anything about it. He is the Alpha. When he wants something he'll take it. Don't talk to me like that either. If anyone heard you besides me you would be killed on the spot. So pipe down," I growled. I walked in and shut the door. "Look, You get big with him your head will be in the dumpster out back. So don't do no crazy shit while you're here. Aight? You understand," I let out a sigh. He has no clue on what I've gotten him into. He's an angry kid so he is destructive. I should know I was that way before I came here.

Kian could get any girl he wanted he had charm and was able to seduce them. He is about 6'5, his hair is jet black and he had a body of one of those guys you see in one of those stupid swimsuit magazines. The only thing that's fucked up is his personality and his left side of his face. He didn't have a left eye. Some freak accident happened but I won't get into that.

"I understand, but what's your deal? Are you his right hand man or are you the Omega?" Ambrose asked. "If anything I'm the Alpha, he is the Omega he doesn't do shit. But to everyone else I'm the right hand man. I do all the work for him," I told him and sat on the shitty bed. I began to roll a blunt. He sat next to me keeping his distance.

"So why were you on the streets, Ambrose?" I asked while packing the blunt with weed. "Family shit," He kept it short. "How old are ya?" I started my questioning. Unlike Kian I actually got to know our "pups". "19 and Rainn is 16," He said. I about dropped the blunt. "She is 16?!" I blurted out. "Yeah, She may look like a slut and has sucked some dick but she ain't ever been fucked," He explained. He seems to have the tiniest of respect for her. "Jesus... Well alright." I said, shaking my head.

"Why you askin' you got the hots for my sister too?" He asked. I looked at him. I saw his icy blue eyes for the first time. I stared for a moment, then I cleaned my throat. "Nah, I don't fuck with no girls, that look like hookers," I managed to get out. "I get it, I wouldn't want to tap nothin that dressed like her," Ambrose said looking down at the floor. He had his white beat up t-shirt on that was still a bit wet, ripped denim jeans on and some beat up sneakers. He had a necklace on that had a worn out dog tag on it.

I took my lighter out and lit the blunt. I took a few hits and gave it to Ambrose. I watched him take a few hits of it. He held its head with his other hand. I used to feel what he was feeling. It sucks. I may be in a gang but I still care for some people. "Hey, I'll show you around tomorrow aight? You need some sleep, it looks like you haven't slept in days," I said as he handed me the blunt. I took a few hits before blowing the smoke out. He nodded. I caught him a few times staring at me but I didn't mind, I kept staring at him a few times as well.

We finished the blunt, both of us stood up. "Thanks for talking with me. I haven't had a normal conversation in years," Ambrose said as I walked towards the door. "Anytime, rest well," I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. Everyone has turned in for the night, everything was silent beside for a few noises coming from Kian's room.

I walked past Kian's room. The door was cracked, I looked into the room and saw the bed moving. I heard different pain filled moans coming from the room. It wasn't Scarlett's moans ...egh. I know those all too well. Her and Kian fuck everywhere. I shook my head and closed the door completely. I walked down the dimly lit hallway to my room.

All I had was a bed, blankets, and a desk with a beat up chair, with some colourful lights. I shut the door behind me and plopped on my bed. Once I hit the bed I was out like a light.

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