Introducing the Trip

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Ambrose's Pov

"I can't stand this fucking place anymore!" I yelled angrily, as I packed my bags. I am so done with this place. All they would do is fight, down pills, and throw things at each other. My sister is the only person in this house that keeps me sane...even though she is a fucking slut. I threw my things into a duffle bag angrily, as I cursed under my breath.

I zip up my beat up duffle bag and threw it over my shoulder. As I walked out of my trashed room...all I could hear was glass being shattered and my psycho parents screaming at each other. My sister was standing near the front door waiting for me. I told her before I packed my things that I was leaving. I guess she is coming with me.

I shift my gaze over to my parents. All I could see was him...drunk off his ass, putting his hands on my mother. My eye twitches, his hands on her...those hands have been plenty of places. They shouldn't be on her. I drop my bag and storm off into their direction. I ball my fist as I got closer to them. The pure anger I feel at this moment took over. I took my fist and swung at him. Causing him to fall on the ground. It gives her time to run, gives ma' time to run. His drunken ass was on the floor. I stare at him for a second holding back. I walk away and pick up my bag. My sister left the house. I opened the front door and walked out leaving that part of my life behind a closed door, and my sinful parents along with it.

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