chapter 12

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Elsa pov

(One  week later)
We finally finished upgrading the defenses around our base and finally all of the former slaves were settled in to their new pack. We decided to make ourselv the Golden Moon pack. A couple of the pack went rogue because they didn't forgive dad but it was okay we still had like...5000 members. So we built a bunch of upgrades to our defenses and upgraded the mansion we lived in to have more rooms and stuff and we built a gym and stuff for exercising. My dad was ully used to his blindness now and he wore a black mask over both eyes . He looked pretty awesome.   Me and Edie hasn't talked very much because he's been upgrading a lot of the house and training new pack members but hopefully we get some time to talk soon...

I was downstairs eating my Cocoa pUffs (don't own it) cereal when Eddie walked on. "Hello Elsa" "hello Eddie" I aid and we smiled. "Im sorry I've been so busy and also sorry I killed Randall." I cried a little bit but I said "I understand, you want to be my true love only.' "yes sorry" he said smirking *it's okay" I sajd. Then he leaned toward me about to kiss me when dad walked in and be ran out of the room and winked when he left. What a dreamboat. Dad started eating a sandwich with a ton of stuff on it. "Hey dad what exactly was the plan that Davis was talking about why did he force us to mine stuff?" "Sorry sweets pea, I don't remember. When the arrownhit my eye I must have got some amnesia because I can't remember what my plan was or anything about it" "dang" I left dad to go find Eddie and walked into a room and saw him KISSING ANOTHER GIRL. I shifted into Jessica and started attacking her biting her leg and she kicked me off and into the wall. I growled but then I realized it wasn't even Eddie it was a boy that looked like Eddie so. Ran out of the room super embarrassed and weren't to the doctor and told him what happened. He sighed and went to go fix her leg. He seemed like something was bothering him, probably because he was our prisoner. I wish I could cheer him up..


I decided to wait in the doctors office and he came back in looking at me annoyed. "What?"  "Are you ok?" "Hmm, let me think, I'm being held here against my will by a pack of savage werewolves who constantly maul each other and force me to fix them up, and then assault me when I can't snap my fingers and magically heal them, so yeah I'm doing Excellent." He rambled .I growled at him. We weren't savages, it's not like we lived in some dumpy place we had an entire mansion and we only attacked each other because our wolves took over why didn't he understands?? "Well since you thin it is so awful what can I do to help you?"

I have a super big heart and I want to help everyone I meet, some people call me naive but I think the best thing that someone can do with their lives is dedicate it to helping those in need, and the doctor was definitely in need. "You can let me leave?" "no I can't we need a doctor, ask for someone else instead" he thought for a second and wrote a bunch of stuff on a list "Here, pick these up next time you go shopping." I nodded and put the list in my pocket. I left the room and he was smiling a bit so I felt I had done good.

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