Black is my happy color and the safest one too. Lazy? Wear black. Happy? Wear black. Funeral? Wear black.


As I button up my jeans, she busted through the door in a gorgeous body-hugging silk violet dress and black heels. Her arms raised with an evil smile on her face. But as she saw me up and down, her arms fell to her sides as well as her smile "What? I thought you were wearing a dress." She pointed to herself "Therefore, I wore a dress." Then she pointed to her feet "and heels! I dumped my Jordans for these uncomfortable heels." And here comes the Spanish monster "me engañaste, perra! Sabes lo incómodo que estoy?! (You tricked me, bitch! Do you know how uncomfortable I am?!)" I huffed "I know- I know you're annoyed but I couldn't wear the dress."

"Por qué? (Why?)"

"I looked too... chubby. And it showed off my body too much."

She rolled her eyes "I went to the mall with you, Lana! You put that dress on in front of me and I told you a million times that you looked fucking hot! What changed?" I bit my bottom lip without making eye contact with her and she knew, she knew all too well "Your sisters, right?" Did I mention that sometimes it's scary that she knows me too well? She shook her head "I swear to god, one day I will drag their asses on the streets." I chuckle at her frustration and eyed her well. She looked gorgeous. The silk, body-hugging, violet dress that reached to her knee complimented her tan skin. Her black hair wrapped neatly in a low bun with a middle part in the front. Her nails were done in black as she stood in her glory with black heels. I sighed "You look beautiful." She pouted at me with furrowed brows because she hated compliments. Hated them to the point she will get angry at you but she never said anything whenever I complimented her, I'd always get a pout and knitted brows in return. She was the exact opposite of me. Tall, tan, and skinny. While I was short, pale, and chubby... fat as some people would say.

She tilted her head with a smile  "Well, those jeans do make your booty look cute though." I put a hand on my mouth, hiding my smile as she loops her arm around my neck and says "Happy graduation, bestie."


We made our way down the stairs. My blue graduation gown draped over my arm while she kept hers in her car. My family was waiting downstairs for me. It was always the seven of us- eight if you count my brothers' girlfriend that lived with us. Iris, my third sister said "Chubby, I've seen you wear that top at least twenty times. Wear something else." I shook my head "I don't have the time to change. We're gonna be late." Mom held up her phone and smiled "Say cheese, girls." Jade and I posed with a smile as she clicked a picture of us on her camera. Dad was smiling at us as he stood behind mom. It was more of a proud smile. My brother, Finn, stood there with his arm looped around his girlfriend's neck with a smile on his face too. And it wasn't a smile of proudness, oh no. It was a smile because after I'm gone to college, he will be getting my room with his girlfriend, Alex.


After the ceremony and all, Jade and I were the only people who didn't cry about leaving high school. We were more than glad that this was over.

After the dinner we had with my parents, she drove me to her house. Well... more of her mansion. Her parents were loaded. Dad was a judge and her mom owned her own cosmetic business. And no, she didn't drove me, her driver drove us.

Jade and I, met in fifth grade and we've been inseparable since then. And since then she's been picking me up for school and dropping me off too. We do everything together. Study, shop- I sleep at her house more than I do in my room and Jade has been fine with it ever since. Her parents aren't home most of the time, so it's her and I in this big mansion.

Love, Curvy | 18+Where stories live. Discover now