Jaehyun gave a little peck to the younger's cheek before he released him. Jun Ki was then pulled into a firm and gentle hug from Mr.Choi. A Man he feared for most of his life. The man that gave his brother a job to sell drugs. A man that gave his mother clients so she could spend more money on drugs from him. The man that had his abusive father killed because he thought he encouraged his brother to steal. This man that made him stay to pay off the Dept of his brother. Jun Ki who was so scared for these people even if this man made his life unbearably difficult as a child he couldn't help but embrace back. 

"I don't want more pain...........for anyone." At first they all thought he was referring to himself until the last 2 words escaped his lips. That statement definitely made them all smile knowing how truly sweet this boy could be.

"Hoseok I don't know what to do." Yoongi was sitting on his friend's hotel bed completely exhausted.

"What do you want to do? It's been 3 months no one will blame you if you want out." Yoongi just looked at the plain white ceiling feeling useless. "If you want to head back home you can I'll stay here a bit longer if you want."

"I can't......even if we don't find Boy I'm still undercover and they need my intel." Yoongi thought of all the people the police have saved from trafficking only because Yoongi was able to leak info. "Besides I can't stop, if I do Collin will most likely get in trouble or worse his family."

"I thought Noona got his family protected?"

"They are under watch but there is only so much they can do without tipping off Mr.Mok and his men that the police are on them."

"How much time do you have till you have to leave?" Hoseok asked. He hated being the only one down here. The others stopped coming thought it was no use. Only Noona and Officer Soh continued to come and help look but in normal clothes.

"I have about an hour." Yoongi stated as he stretched kicking off his shoes.

"Want to fool around?" Hoseok questioned. They started getting intimate a few weeks ago. Both got drunk from the stress both were under and one thing led to another. They only see each other as friends but they use each other to release steam and help when the other is sexually frustrated. Even on their first night they didn't have sex both refuse to take the other's D*** in their butts, but they do everything else to get release.

Without answering his friend he just grabbed his shirt pulling him down on the bed beside him. Not a moment later they were both devouring the other's lips more in hopes of forgetting the horrible world around them.

Yoongi could only truly get aroused if he pictured himself kissing Boy again but he knows he will probably never get that chance. Hoseok just wanted to feel release he didn't care about who he was with. He knew Yoongi was most likely thinking of the Boy but that didn't bother him because he was just using Yoongi's body and nothing more.

After the hour was up they both got dressed and fixed themselves. It wasn't awkward they both knew what the situation was and accepted it.

"So I heard some rumors of a gang leader on the other side of town."

"Boss?" Yoongi interrupted.

"Yeah him... well anyway I heard his son has been seen with a new face around."


"Apparently he only has a small group of friends kinda like us and the others so anyway I heard that it's strange."

"I don't get it. What's your point?" Yoongi asked impatient as he looked in the mirror to fix his hair that Hoseok pulled very roughly while he was pleasing the younger.

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