Chapter 2

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After clothes shopping we left Cloth Mart with a plastic bag bulging to the rim. Guess who was stuck carrying it?

"Haircuts? New styles." Bliss cried, her voice edged with excitement. She was, as you say, in total bliss. I lifted the bag and swung it onto my other shoulder, and started walking to a place called Cutting Hars.

A young lady made me sit on a cushy black chair. She swung me around so I was facing a mirror and I winced. My hair was a mess, and the scars on my face were still raw. I wondered what the poor barber was thinking.

She came back and made me lie forward with my head in warm soapy water. A shiver went up my spine as she started washing my hair. I wish I had done this before, is all I can say. The woman then started brushing my hair gently.

I sank into the chair and opened one eye to check on the others. Domino was being given a fringe that dipped over one eye. Bliss was chattering away to an equally talkative hairdresser. Belle looked almost asleep, her beautiful hair becoming layers. Alistair was trying to explain that he liked his hair how it was. Kim was getting her hair curled. Max was having his hair spiked. Starling was banging his head on the mirror as his long tawny hair was plaited down his back.

Me? The barber just hacked my frizzy auburn hair straight off. She put it in shoulder length layers and dyed the tips gold.

By the time we came out of the mall we were completely unrecognisable. We were all dressed in our new clothes. We all looked pretty good, and received a couple of stares. Especially Domino.

He was dressed in a black singlet and red skinny jeans. His white sneakers were splattered with mud already. Both arms were wrapped in bandages. Alistair got a lot of stares too. He had his trademark black cape and hood covering his face, tied around his neck. Underneath he had long black jeans and a blue shirt.

"We're done with shopping?" I asked, tossing the bags of clothes, food and books into the boot of the car. The others nodded and we climbed in, driving away as fast as possible.

After all, disguising ourselves wasn't the point. We still had to get back to Hunters' and find Aurora.

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