By the end of the picking, Tony had Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon. Nate had Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin and the one and only smallest member of

"The game is first to 20 points and the loser has to buy ice cream for everyone else." Tony announced as Yoongi and Taehyung made a team name for us: Kim Man Duk. Then proceeding to show off our, already horrible, teamwork.

We soon got straight into the game and to say I was at a height disadvantage was an understatement. Jimin seemed to be doing fine with his, a few inches taller than me, height.

In the very end Tony's team won and Jimin celebrated by hugging his only true love: Tony of course.

"Let's go buy these guys ice cream." I said and attacked Yoongi as we left the courts.

Because Jin is Jin and Jin is the most caring mother ducker to exist, he offered to buy all of us ice cream. Thanks for saving my nonexisting money.

We all filed in to pick our ice cream like a mob and I quickly disappeared from the gathering with a blue bubblegum ice lolly.

I just stood outside waiting for everyone once I borrowed Jin's money, sucking on the lolly as I tried so hard to keep my unholy thoughts out of my head.

God what happened to baby me?

If people saw me right now they would see that my actions are screaming the complete opposite to swag as I probably looked like a 10 year old.

When everyone else left I was nearly asleep standing up as I watched the world move around me. It may sound boring but it's quite calming, especially when in a different country that is ran in a different way and has different cultures.

"Jiminie hyung," I whined while eyeing his ice lolly and he laughed before holding it up to my lips. I pushed mine over to him and took a bite out of his, wincing as the coldness hit my sensitive teeth.
"You good?" He asked and I nodded.
"Cold, sensitive." I forced out in a hiss and he chuckled. "That's why I don't usually bite ice cream or ice in general." I pouted as I took my own ice lolly back and enjoying my treat.

~A Few Days Later~

The eight of us were rudely woken up, again, by the training duo and I pulled my duvet over myself in an attempt to sleep again.

"Yo Eunmi, wake up." I heard Tony and let out a sound similar to a dying pig, that was meant to be a whine, and heard laughter.
"Eunmi, up." Nate said and I felt a hand hold my duvet, myself scrambling to grab it back but being too late as Jin threw the warmth off of me.

When we were all ready we were all pushed out of the building, a few of us still half asleep.

"Where are we going?" Yoongi asked, showing the same confusion we all had.
"We're being kidnapped again, this must be our good luck charm." I announced as we got into the van again.

After a journey, Namjoon, Yoongi and I ended up at a random hotel.
"Woo this is so epic." I said sarcastically as we all didn't look excited one bit.

"What are we supposed to do? I mean, they kinda didn't tell us." Yoongi questioned as we walked around.
"I don't know but one thing I'm positive of is that this hotel costs more than I'll ever make." I spoke as I looked all around me, "let's just savour us being in an expensive ass place before we go back to being poor for the rest of our lives." I said, negative I know. But who the fuck cares right now?

We came to a reception and were told to go to the third floor.
"Third floor?" Namjoon questioned.
"Yes hyung, third floor. You know, the floor which is the third?" I asked Namjoon as we finally headed to the right place.

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now