chapter 3 | a different way

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It was a day before the weekend and you were meeting up with everyone. Nayeon, Taehyung, and Jimin. It's only been three days since Jimin last asked the two of you to become friends and you were now getting ready for today's hang out. You quickly stood up and rummaged through your closet to find your outfit for today.

 You quickly stood up and rummaged through your closet to find your outfit for today

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Taehyung Nayeon Jimin

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Taehyung Nayeon Jimin

"Y/N-ah! Some boy's down here asking for you!", You quickly grab your bag, hearing your mom's voice and rush downstairs. You see Jimin at the door and you smile but as you walk over to him, your mom stops you. "Hold on.. This isn't a boyfriend, is it?" She whispers to you. Ha.. You wish. You smile at her and shrug her hand off.

"No, mom.. Just a friend. I gotta go. I'll see you later.", You say and quickly leave the house before she could question Jimin bout anything else. You look up towards Jimin who was staring at you. "Anything wrong?"

"Uhh.. No. You're just.. Um. You look pretty." You immediately blushed as he held out his arm towards his car.

"Thanks.. And sorry about not going to school the other day. There's been a lot going in my family and we had to sort some things out." You explained and he nodded, opening the door for you. Getting inside, he started the engine and started driving.

"So.. What was so important that you had to cancel your classes?"

"How do you know that I had classes? I told my parents that I didn't have any." You said, your eyebrows raised with a little smile. He cared about you. Or stalked you. Either way, you had his attention. Okay.. Now, you just sound like a creep.

"Um. Would you believe it if I said I guessed?" He said with an awkward smile. You chuckle at his expression and nod.

"Well.. It was actually really abrupt and honestly, kind of disturbing."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Or can't. It's up t-"

"Oh no.. I am telling you. If he tells me not to tell anyone, I am telling everybody." You said, remembering how Jungkook had threatened you. You already told Jisoo who probably told Jin and Nayeon who probably told Taehyung. So might as well.

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