I: Cut

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"Nope, definitely not that one!"

Entrapta spun on her heel and sprinted back down the corridor, using her hair to swing herself around a corner and out of sight. Pounding footsteps behind her told her the Horde clone was already catching up.

"That's twenty three I can cross off my list," she mumbled to herself as she kept on running. "If only I had a better way to tell everyone apart."

She had a small drone aiding her yesterday, but it had already been recaptured and reprogrammed. These Horde soldiers meant business. Rounding another corner, Entrapta nearly collided with a sentry robot coming the opposite way. She immediately looked to the ceiling for a grate she might be able to make a jump for, but found nothing. Before it could take aim, Entrapta dodged past it and kept going.

These chases were not her favorite part of this ordeal. The walls were so slick and high, with no ductwork for her to hide in. All she could do was keep running, dodging around corners on the lookout for a place to lie low until the ship was no longer on high alert. That strategy had worked so far, but it was becoming harder all the time. Robotic sentries and Horde clones were everywhere.

If I could just get my hands on another drone, or some sort of monitor system, I could find out where I'm going. Everywhere looks the same!

Finding a deserted corridor, Entrapta paused to catch her breath. She looked down at the crystal in her left hand, the crystal she had given to Hordak. Entrapta had found that crystal in the ruins of Hordak's sanctum in the Fright Zone just before finding Hordak himself, pinned under several feet of rubble. Before she could call out to him, a strange light began to emanate from the ground around him. Entrapta found herself running toward that light, determined to reach Hordak before he disappeared.

That was how she ended up here. At first Entrapta was excited to find herself on Horde Prime's ship. Hordak had done what he set out to do, and now they were both here, together. That moment did not last long. Horde Prime was not pleased by Hordak's efforts and disabled him immediately. When Entrapta protested, Prime had her restrained and sent away until he could, in his words, "manage to find a use for her."

In all her wild ideas, this was not how Entrapta imagined her first trip to space. It was tense and stressful, and she was constantly having to reign herself in from becoming distracted. As much as she itched to study every inch of the ship, this mission was more important. She had to find Hordak before he was reprogrammed. If she was too late, she would have to find some way to reverse what Prime had done.

A mechanical creak caught her attention, and Entrapta saw another sentry bot round the corner at the end of the corridor. The light on its head glowed as it caught sight of her and it lifted an arm, charging its powerful stun laser. Entrapta slipped the crystal back into her pocket and fled the other direction. A silver-green beam struck the wall beside her and ricochet past her feet. She reached the end of the hall and turned the corner to find herself in yet another long sterile corridor.

Before she could make it to the next corner, a door opened in front of her, and Entrapta skidded to a stop as two Horde clones filed out to block her path. She hesitated, one hand reaching for the crystal in her pocket. Could one of these be Hordak?

The clones took advantage of her hesitation and closed in on her. Entrapta realized the danger she was in and decided to take her chances with the bot. Turning around, she was immediately brought short as one of the clones grabbed hold of her hair.

"Let go!" Entrapta tugged against his grip, but he was much stronger than her, easily yanking her off her feet.

She continued to struggle, but between the two of them, the clones managed to subdue her. The first kept a tight hold on her hair, one hand at the base of her pigtails and the other at the ends. The wild strands writhed in his grip to no avail.

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