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The ship Entrapta and Hordak had taken was originally intended to be controlled by robotic pilots. As a result, the ship had very few supplies. What was of greatest interest to Entrapta, however, was the half dozen inactive Horde robots sitting folded in the supply room. She had already dismantled the core processing units so the bots could not be used to alert Horde Prime to their location. Now that they were harmless, they made for the perfect materials for Entrapta's latest project.

She was originally working on a new set of armor for Hordak, but with her current limitations, progress was slow. Only the arm plates were finished so far. The tingling in her scalp was gradually becoming less distracting, allowing Entrapta to focus on her work, but it was still frustrating to have only two limbs to work with. Eventually a new idea swept over her, throwing her on a completely different track.

"It would be ideal to be able to control the limbs directly," Entrapta mused to herself as she sat cross-legged on the floor. "Hordak would have to help me attach it, but that shouldn't be a problem. I could leave it on permanently, or at least until my hair grows back. Maybe by then I'll want to keep it!"

The door opened, and Entrapta turned to see Hordak enter the room. "Hordak, wait till you see what I'm making! I've designed a mechanism to attach mechanical limbs to my back so I can work faster!"

Hordak blinked in surprise, looking from her to the pile of scrap scattered in front of her.

Entrapta stopped short, her excitement dimming. "Sorry, I know I promised to make your armor, and I was working on it. I just got... distracted."

She looked up shyly, hoping he wasn't disappointed or angry. "I did manage to get some done," she offered. "I can check the fit, if you want."

A strange emotion came over his face, too quickly for Entrapta to understand what it was, then Hordak smiled. "Do not worry about the armor," he said. "My condition is stable for now. Tell me about this new invention of yours."

Entrapta did not need prompting twice. "It's going to be great!" She held up the hollow half-shell she had so far. "I've designed it like a backpack, not too heavy, but big enough to fit all the limbs. They could extend out one at a time or all at once. I was thinking of having six arms, but maybe that's too much. Or is it not enough?"

"We are short on materials," Hordak pointed out. "Perhaps you could add more attachments at a later time."

"Good point. I might have only enough for four, but I could leave room for another two..."

Her thought was interrupted by a sudden beeping noise from the main deck. It was too soft to be an alarm. Curious, Entrapta rose to her feet. "What does that sound mean?"

Hordak frowned. "We may be intercepting a message."

"A message?" Entrapta brightened. "I have to see who it is!"

Quickly she made her way to the console and searched the monitor for the source of the sound. Finding it, she immediately brought up the transmission.

Sure enough, a faint voice was coming through. Entrapta felt her excitement building. The voice was garbled, yet it seemed familiar. She adjusted the dials to bring the transmission into sharper clarity. A few more tweaks and she had it. There was still some distortion, but the message was clear.

"Adora? Adora, please say something! Please tell me you're ok. Adora!"

Entrapta's heart leapt at the sound of his voice. "Bow!" Quickly, she tuned her own device to the proper frequency and hoped they were close enough to respond. "Bow!" she called again.

There was a brief pause. "Entrapta?"

"Hi Bow! I got your message! Are you in space too?" She gasped. "Did you take Darla to space?!"

"Darla? Who-- never mind. Entrapta, there's no time. If I send you my coordinates, can you come meet me? I could really use your help."

"Sure!" Entrapta agreed. "Hordak and I will come right over!"

" Hordak is with you?" Bow's voice nearly cracked.

"Of course!" She waved her hand as if this were the most natural thing in the world. "We escaped from Horde Prime's ship together. I have so much to tell you when we get back!"

"Entrapta, don't you think--?"

"Who is this?" Hordak interrupted. "And how was he able to contact this ship?"

"This is my friend Bow," Entrapta replied, smiling. "He needs our help, and he's giving us directions. They have a First One's ship. Wait till you see it!"

Bow murmured something under his breath. "I'm sending the coordinates now. Please come as soon as you can."

Entrapta nodded "Got it! I'm uploading the coordinates into the system. It should only take a moment."

"Thank you, Entrapta. Stay safe out there."

"Will do!" With that, Entrapta closed the transmission. The monitor had already accepted the coordinates and charted a course to their destination. As much as she longed to explore open space, she didn't want to miss an opportunity to have Hordak meet Darla, and Bow too.

Entrapta turned to Hordak, beaming. "Isn't this exciting? I've fixed the autopilot, so it should be able to follow the course. Do you think we should try it, or follow the coordinates manually?"

Hordak looked from her to the bright path illuminated on the monitor. He had no idea what he was getting into, but it had to be better than what he was leaving behind. With Entrapta by his side, he could face anything.

"I think I prefer to use manual control for a while."

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