IV: Beginning

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Entrapta paced back and forth along the length of her cell, her hair standing on end, wondering whether Horde Prime had found out about Hordak and reset his memory again. With his galactic conquests, surely Prime had other things on his mind other than what she and Hordak were doing. He could not be watching them all the time. But if the last few times were anything to go by, it was more likely than not Hordak would return with no memory of her.

She knew it did no good to worry, but she couldn't help it. There was nothing else to do in this sterile white room.

"I'll just have to start over," she said to herself. "As many times as it takes." Then she remembered Prime's last words to her and shivered. "Or maybe it's best not to say anything..."

There was still a chance Hordak would be able to bring her tools to her. If he could do that, then Entrapta would be able to see if there was anything to be done about his failing body, or another way to restore his memories.

Now that Entrapta had more time to think, she came to realize the terminal might be the key to everything. She had seen Prime use it to disable Hordak when they first arrived on this ship. Perhaps this was what she needed to bring Hordak's memories back. If she could repair his body and his memory, perhaps they could still escape together.

The thought filled her with hopeful excitement, but an uncharacteristic thorn of doubt kept her pacing restlessly. There was also the chance her meddling would lead to disaster. She might reset his memory again by accident, or worse, disable him entirely. If that terminal was as important as Entrapta believed it was, she would have to take extreme care.

Entrapta was still pacing when the field outside her cell dropped. She looked to the entryway only for her heart to sink. Every time Hordak remembered her, he brought her tiny food. This time, the only thing on the tray was a big lumpy bar.

She slipped her hand into her pocket and felt the edges of Hordak's crystal, ready to jog his memory, then she froze. Another clone was watching her from the hallway. His eyes glittered as he stared at her. Prime.

Entrapta looked away, jamming both hands into her pockets. She was not going to say anything to Hordak in front of Horde Prime, not after what happened last time.

Hordak had walked right past her and set the tray on the bed, something he had never done before, then left without a word. As he did so, the clone that was Prime stepped forward. Entrapta's eyes shifted nervously to Hordak, but the barrier fell down between them, cutting him from sight.

She jumped back with a sharp jolt as she felt Prime's hand brush the top of her head. Entrapta glared at him, wide-eyed, hair bristling. He chuckled, watching her with an amused smile. Her heart was hammering wildly. Why had he touched her like that?

"An intriguing substance, your hair," said Prime. "I have not encountered its like before. So delicate and yet so durable. It appears to renew itself when attached to the roots, if slowly."

He reached for her again, and Entrapta flinched away. "Stop!"

"So defensive. There is no need to fret. Your hair has hardly grown since my last collection. It will be some time before I can take another."

Entrapta looked down, shivering.

"Not very talkative today, I see." He leaned down, tilting his head. "Are you missing your friend? Would you like to see him again?"

Don't say anything, she told herself. Don't look at him. Don't say anything. Gripping Hordak's crystal more tightly in her pocket, Entrapta stubbornly kept her eyes to the ground. She was not going to let Prime hurt Hordak because of her.

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