"He's one of our equals. Which means he shouldn't be tied down. Dabi you do it" commanded the blue haired man.

"Nope, Twice that's all you."

"I would never! Right on it!" Twice cheered as he walked pass Bakugo. He bent down and started to undo the knots restraining him until only the metal clasps of the chair held the kid down. With the click of a button the restraints retracted allowing Bakugo to stand up and rub his wrists.

"So as I was sayi—"


An explosion rang out within the bar sending Shigarki stumbling backwards and knocking the hand off his face in the process.

"You really think I would join your stupid league? You should have killed me when you had the chance!" Bakugo yelled as he got ready to attack again.

Shigaraki slowly bent down and grabbed the hand from the ground before replacing it onto his face.

"Kurogiri, Compress, make him go to sleep again. This time permanently" the blue haired man said calmly.

"I can't believe he's such a bad listener, I'm almost impressed" compress said as he started his way towards Bakugo.

"If you want me to listen, then get on your knees and die!" Bakugo raged.

I want to blow them up with my maximum fire power but as long as that warp bastards around he'll be in my way. Think. I need make an opening somehow and get to the back door. Thought Bakugo.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Hello, this is Pizza-La, Kamino store.

Everyone stood still confused at the random disturbance.

"SMASH" A voice boombed as the wall of the bar exploded inward.

"What the?" Yelled Spinner.

"KUROGIRI! GATE NOW!" Commanded Shigaraki.

"Pre-emptive Binding, Laquered Chain Prison!"

"A tree? What the heck." Dabi mumbled as he started to let off smoke.

A blast of air was heard from outside followed by multiple more blasts. A yellow figure shot into the room and kicked the fire user square in the neck, knocking him unconscious.

"Don't be impatient!" Huffed Gran Torino.

"You can't run anymore League of Villains. Why? Because we are here!" All Might boomed.

"The press conference, don't tell me this was pre planned?" Asked Compress.

"When one is on the offensive is when one neglects defense the most." A voice said from behind the front door. A man slid through the crack and started to appear revealing the number four pro hero Edgeshot. 

"Were not the only ones here from Pizza-La Kamino, outside you're surrounded by skillful hero's like Endeavor and the police" the hero explained.

"I'm sorry young Bakugo, we should have come sooner. I know you were probably scared but don't worry anymore, for you are now saved!" All Might said as he walked over to his protege.


"Ha Ha, of course you could have young Bakugo"

"This is unsatisfying. Go away, disappear." A voice whispered from the other side of the room.

"Shigaraki, where is he?" All Might asked in a dead serious tone.

"I HATE YOU!" The blue haired man yelled as black mucus started forming to the sides of him.

The black sludge grew bigger and bigger until Nomus starting coming through them.


But what the hero didn't see was his disciple starting to cough out the black mucus as well.

"What the hell?" Bakugo coughed out as the sludge grew thicker around him.

All Might turned and finally noticed what was happening. He quickly tried to grab hold of the blond but all he grabbed was empty air.


"Endeavor we need back up!" Screamed Woods.

The arbor hero turned his gaze back to the streets only for his heart to skip a beat. All he saw was more and more Nomu starting to appear around the police and Endeavor until they were completely surrounded.

"Keep an eye on the villains!" All Might commanded as he punch a Nomu.

But the hero's couldn't see through all the smoke. On the other side each villain starting coughing up their own black mucus until most of their body's were covered. One by one they disappeared until only one remained. The last villain met eyes with All Might through the smoke as his mucus finally started to take him away. The pro hero launched towards him only to hear him whisper one word before he vanished.


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