Chapter 3 : Ding !

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Shuichi's POV :

Kokichi : « Saihara ?! Why are you-

Why are you hugging me ? »

I really didn't want to let go of him but if I don't- He'll find that sudden hug suspicious.. I mean, I shouldn't even be here ! Why did I want to hug him like that after seeing him cry through the cameras anyway ?! Why did his tears made me feel bad ? Why did I want to comfort him ? I'm not supposed to get attached to any of them. Because I'm the mastermind, and the mastermind must be cruel..-
..Right ?

I backed up slowly while he looked at me with a confused gaze. I have to make up something fast, or he'll see easily through my lie. But what ? I can't just tell him the truth because I'm not supposed to know he was crying,, if I tell him that, he'll know immediately that I am the mastermind and will tell everyone. Maybe I can-

Kokichi : Sooo what was that for ? Are you already falling for me Saihara-Chan~ ? How cute !

Oh yeah, I forgot about his persona.

Shuichi : E-Eh ?! I-It's not that ! I just wanted t-
Kokichi : Well it's not like you're attractive anywaaay~
Shuichi : Ou-Ouma-Kun ?!
Kokichi : Nishishi ! That was a lie of course ! You are toooootally my type, beloved~
Shuichi : B-Beloved ?!

Kokichi laughed at me while I was too flustered too answer. I quickly tried to hide my face with my hat, feeling a blush forming on my cheeks. Why is he like that ? Well, it actually helped me, so I won't complain-
Plus, he's kinda cute..

Wait, no he isn't ! I mean yes he is but- No ! I shouldn't be thinking like that ! It's impossible that I'm attached to him. Because.. because !!
Because he don't exist.

Because his personality isn't real.

Because everything is a lie.

Because this.
F i c t i o n.

Kokichi : Sooo, You're just gonna stand here ? Don't be so boring Saihara-Chaaan !

I looked at him for a moment. He was smiling brightly. And so-
I softly cupped his cheek with my hand, making the little leader jump. But he surprisingly relaxed to my touch and just stared in my eyes. I didn't want to take off my hand. Because..
Because his cheek felt warm.
Because it felt alive.
Because it felt.. real.

Shuichi : Hey, Ouma-kun..
Kokichi : Yes Saihara-Chan ?
Shuichi : W-Would you want to hang out with me tomorrow ?
Kokichi : Aww ! So that's what it was all about ! If you wanted to ask me on a date, you didn't have to hug me my beloved detective~
Shuichi : D-Date ?! N-No i just want to- !
Kokichi : Yeah yeah I know~ Well, see you tomorrow then ! Bye Saihara-Chaaan !

Then, he simply went back to his room, closing the door behind him. I sighed. I really shouldn't just randomly hug people who cry here, because many tears will be shed. It's not that I like seeing them like that ! It's just that- I'll get in trouble if I do.. Wait.

Oh god. He surely saw that. How did I forget about him ?! He's gonna be mad at me.. He strictly told me that I shouldn't even be friends with any of the ultimates, except if I'm faking it. I'm scared of him and about what he'll do to me.. I really shouldn't get attached to Kokichi, or I'll get in big trouble because of him ! But I can't.. I still don't understand why, especially that we have just met today. But- Kokichi was « special ». And I truly want to be his friend ! If only that wasn't Danganronpa.. If only there wasn't-

*Ding* !

Oh no.
I was back in my room, sitting on my bed, when my Monopad suddenly ringed for a second. My face directly became pale while I was picking up the pad and opening it.
This mastermind pad also have another special fonction. A chatting one. And I guess that's why it ringed- So I clicked on it and it directly opened on a new conversation with ojg5i9ojbvcro.

??? : Shuichi. Explain what just happened with that boy.

I gulped. He did saw it, of course he did.

Shuichi : That was nothing.

??? : Don't you even dare get attached to him !

Shuichi : I won't, I promise.

He didn't answer back, so I guess he was satisfied with this. I placed the Monopad back on my bed and tried to sleep. I did promise that I will hang out with Kokichi tomorrow.. I just have to act friendly, but not actually be friendly. Yeah ! That's what I'm gonna do. That will probably work.
Right ?

A/N : Hey ! I'm sorry about this chapter, I'm really not proud about how I wrote it today 👉👈 I hope that you enjoyed it anyway !!

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