The Fall Of Hakuna Matata

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You know, maybe I would've given you another chance
Maybe I wouldn't have stopped
Maybe I would still be miserable like I was before

I probably would've been
Probably would've cried over you some more
Told myself that "hell, if my own best friend can't love me, why would she?"

But I didn't
And I'm not

And I've tried so hard to forgive you and forget
I think I'm halfway there
But I don't think I'll ever forget

You see, that hope I had
That hope that, maybe we could be okay
Maybe we could actually start over and be friends

You crushed it with those words
"You're not Pumbaa in my phone anymore" or something of the sort

Come to think of it, you haven't called me that since the 8th grade
At all, not this year, not over the summer
Not once

Yet I called you Tamone countless times
Maybe not to your face
But that's who you were to me

My Tamone
Meanwhile, I was your nothing
Just someone you call by their name

Like we werent friends for years
Like we didnt talk all the time, almost everyday for 2 years straight
Like we didnt joke around

HELL, like we didn't write a goddamn fanfiction together

I thought I was your best friend
I thought I was your person
You were mine
For quite a while

Because before everything went to shit
We were best friends
And we gave each other those nicknames in the 7th grade

So don't try to tell me that it was a dating thing
Or that it was only a substitute for a pet name
Because it wasn't

It was ours
Its what made us best friends
Its what showed everyone else that WE were each others person

But we're not now
You're not my Tamone anymore
You're not my person or even a friend
And my hopes of one day becoming that, they're gone

So you wont have to worry about me being in your way or getting you gifts or trying to talk to you or giving you a hug
I won't do that anymore
Because that's what friends do
And if I'm not your Pumbaa, I'm sure as hell not your friend either
But I'm glad you said that
I'm glad I'm just "Melody" in your phone now
I'm glad that I'm like everyone else to you

I'm glad you can forget me so fast
I'm glad that I'm not your person

Because I never want to be again
I never want to wait and beg for you to love me
I never want to be special to you

Because special people, shouldn't be treated like shit
Your person, shouldn't be treated like shit

Yet I was

So don't do that to someone else
Dont give them a nick name like that and be great friends unless you're going to treat them like that
Don't run away and get scared
Dont leave them for someone else

Dont do to them what you did to me
Or her

Because neither of us deserved it

As much as I loved being your Pumbaa, I love being their babygirl more

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