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Every time we talk, it's like there's a thin sheet of glass between us
Keeping us apart
We can't hear each other at the same time
So we wait for one another to speak or we listen silently

And we stay on each sides of the glass
Even though it's so easily breakable

Sometimes when we don't pay attention the glass thickens
Until it's pushing us both apart
And no matter how hard we push back it doesn't budge

And were left staring at each other with empty, confused eyes and hurt faces
And I watch you walk away with someone new

And I'm left staring, standing there not being able to do anything
I pound on the glass, scream as loud as I can to get your attention
While you're just swinging your hand with hers down the hallway

My throat feels raw and my knuckles are bruised and bloody
So I turn around, my back to the glass
And slide down it, tears falling from my eyes

I curl up and sob, and I see people around me
They watch me, but no one comes close
Like I'm a hurt wolf, rabid on the inside but still hurt
So they don't approach, afraid they'll get hurt themselves

And I stay like that
The next day I can feel your eyes on my back
And I can feel your fists pounding on the glass
But I just put my head down

Because I'm scared that I'll see the same sight and you'll walk away like you did before
And days pass and the same thing happens

Until you stop pounding and the glass is still
That's when I turn around
And I see not just the thick glass between us

But you're in a cube
With thick glass all around you
And people all on the other sides
Some staring
Some crying
Some screaming
And some just sitting, with their back to the glass

And inside the cube is her
And a small smile graces my face
Until I look up and I see the thin glass beginning to grow
And I pound on the glass again

And yell
I get your attention, finally and you stare back at me
Not knowing what to do or what I mean
And I point and try to tell you

But when you look back, the glass is already there
Thin as ice
And she strares back at you, scared and confused
And you punch the glass

But it doesn't shatter
Now, stunned all of us turn to see you
Punching and punching, kicking screaming
Trying anything to break it

Because you want her
Because you need her

But the glass stabs you back
And grows thicker in retaliation
Some of us laugh
Others just nod their head
And I just sit there, shaking my head and mouthing

"The glass doesn't break."

You shake your head, crying
"I want her back!" You yell

I nod my head knowingly
"Don't let the glass form."

You stare back with a blank face, tears still streaming down your cheeks

But you nod your head
And then an opening forms behind you, the hallways full of kids
And you step out, hoping to find someone new

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