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The Elite Guard arrived when the humans were stable. Ratchet had created what he called a 'safety box' for them so they could leave the room. Jack seemed to struggle a little in the box as he sat with the others. It was the size of small apartment, but he didn't like how they could see everything. The walls and floor and ceiling were all glass. They set the box in a safe place and Optimus spoke with the guard as the others helped finally wake the Decepticons.

"Now I know what the animals in the zoo's feel like." Miko whispered as she hugged her knees to her chest. She watched quietly as the giants walked by. Ratchet was tending to the sparkling as others were questioned.

"There's so many of them." Jack said as he smiled a little. "I'm happy for them..." he whispered quietly as he watched Arcee. Raf watched Bumblebee and smiled proudly when he saw his team.

"You know... I wouldn't mind being with the team again... I know we have a mission on earth... but... I miss them." The young man said as he lay there, completely useless in his mind. The car crash had damaged his spine and paralyzed him. It hadn't been addressed soon enough and he knew he was stuck like this. He closed his eyes as the other two watched the bots. Miko glanced to Rafael's missing arm and then to Jack's missing leg. She looked down as she thought about what she did to them.

"Guys.... I wanted to apologize for... what I had to do..." she whispered quietly and looked at them again.

"You don't have to do that." Jack said seriously and looked at her. "You saved our lives." He smiled proudly and ruffled her hair. Rafael smiled a little in turn. They stopped and stared as the mech that caged and tortured them walked by in cuffs. He glanced to them and stopped suddenly as he smirked.

"Why did you do it?" Miko asked and narrowed her eyes. "Why did you take us from our homes and take our friends? Why did you put us in that stupid mind game?!" She yelled angrily. The others paused and looked at them as they fell silent. The mech stared blankly then smirked darkly.

"It was a game. Purely entertainment for myself and those I shared it with. I needed inspiration for making more. I turned to Earth to see what your people would do. I found game shows, as their called, and found one that many people loved. Something called Hunger Games. It brought a lot of excitement in my spark and I decided, 'why not have the contestants be Cybertronians that are well known?' After locating several and asking a few about the idea... they said I was crazy. So I built this machine and... 'borrowed' them for my game." He chuckled softly as they glared. "I was short a few people and went to earth for their human comrades. I've heard so much about you." He said as he smirked again. "I know everything there is to know about all of you. I know Ratchet has a connection with the experiment sparkling E4. I was thrilled when I figured out how to reawaken her artifact days." He said seriously. "And in case anyone cared to put my name in the books, I am Gamble." He grinned and they glared before leading him away.

"That's not her name!" Smokescreen yelled as he walked to him and punched him hard in the facplate. "Her name is Chiyu Jikan!" he said angrily. "And she's part of the team, not an experiment!" he growled and punched him again. Bulkhead pulled him away to calm him as the rookie glared at the mech. Gamble grunted and narrowed his optics as he looked at them. He was hauled away and the mech silently swore he'd get revenge.

"Smokescreen?" A little voice asked and he looked over to the sparkling. He walked to her and gently gripped her tiny servo as he sat by her.

"Hey kiddo." He smiled a little. "Are you feeling better now that the doctor helped you?" He asked and she looked around tiredly. She looked at the others and then to the humans.

"Are... they okay?" She asked as tears filled her optics. "I didn't mean to hurt them... the human sparklings." She choked back a sob.

"No no no... you didn't hurt them." He whispered quietly and gently rubbed her tiny helm. She whimpered quietly and Ratchet walked over.

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