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Please... stop this madness... can't you see it's hurting them? Can't you see it's hurting me? Leave them alone and sent us free.... we won't say anything.... can't you hear me? Listen to me... please listen to our pain...

Tick tock...


Tick tock...

Don't reset the clock... stop...

Tick tock...

Please... listen...  how many times have you done this? Stop... I'm begging you...

Tick tock...



The birds chirped happily and the trees swayed with the gently breeze. Prowl slowly opened his eyes and simply stared into the tree branches and leaves above him. He didn't remember starting again.

Every time was different though, and he wasn't sure what was going on anymore. He watched everyone die different ways and times from when they started. He had seen many win and tried to be friends with others, but they always ended up dead.

How many times had he been through this? How many times had he watched others die? How many times did they murder him?

Prowl sighed shakily and closed his eyes again as he tried to remember, but he couldn't focus right now. The worst part about remembering, was just that. Remembering.

Every cry of pain, every plead for mercy, every wicked laugh, and every struggle to survive the horrible outcome. Why couldn't anyone else remember? Why did he have to be the only one? His mind slowly reminded him how many times he had done this and how many times they had started again.

One hundred and forty-nine. Every outcome different, every single one.

He had managed to be friends with a few and managed to save others, yet in the end they all died. Including him. Prowl knew everyone's name, nature, intent and hidden purpose. Who wanted to win, who wanted to survive, and on the rare occasion, who wanted to protect. He had them all sorted out in categories in his mind, because that was all he had. His mind. Though he was starting to even question that.

Prowl sighed shakily and got up then went over to the cliff that was a ways away. He had started going to the borders of every arena to try and find away out, but he never did. He had tried jumping off a cliff into the water below, but just got flung back, and seriously injured himself. Megatron later came by and killed him.

Prowl shuddered at the memory and stared off the cliff as he thought. Every place had some kind of block or barrier at the edges, which confused him and he knew it was an arena. He frowned deeply as he kicked a rock off the cliff, only for it to fly back after it hit some kind of field. He dodged it and glanced around again as he sighed forcefully. How was this going to end? Would it ever end?

He walked off and stared blankly as he listened to the noises around him. He didn't see the point of this anymore but knew he had to keep fighting. He had won ten times and still nothing happened to indicate they would be done soon.

He entered a heavily wooded area and furrowed his brow as he glanced around again. He counted the previous cannons and realized they were almost done with this round. There were six people left, including himself.

His guard suddenly came up and he glanced around before he heard another cannon. He quickly ducked down and gripped the dirt, trying to remember who was left. He couldn't though. His mind hurt from everything else he had to constantly remember.

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