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How.... long.... has it... been....?

Since when? Since the new player?

Ye... yes....

He's been through three rounds already. You should know this.


Tick Tock


Tick... Tock....

Fun... ction....

Ti... ck... to... ck....

Can't.... rem.... ember....

Ti... t...

What? You stopped the clock?! Why did you stop the clock?! Hey! Wake up! Wake up you useless-


Not even a smack woke you. Wake. Up. Now!


Primus.... you've died....


The man slowly opened his tired eyes and stared at the sky above him, he was exhausted and trying to survive this nightmare. He had somehow remembered this place, but it was more like a dream state. As if he had been here many times before. He remembered a child using a term for it, but couldn't figure it out.

He furrowed his brow as he realized there was a bird flying above his head, but it wasn't moving. He frowned deeply and sat up as he watched the feathered creature, it was perfectly still in mid-flight. He looked around and noticed his fire wasn't moving either. He furrowed his brow more and slowly stood. He scanned the area and started walking away from his campsite. Something was wrong. Horribly wrong.

He walked for a while before noticing a small pillar of smoke. He followed the froze line in the sky and found a campsite with some men. They were talking around the fire and one looked towards something. As he got close he realized they were all staring into the woods. He studied their faces for a moment and crouched by the one looking into the woods. He seemed to be the leader. Then again, he appeared to be one who didn't want that title. He stared at him then frowned as he concentrated.

"Bumblebee..." he whispered and grunted as he gripped his head a little. He shook it and looked to the others in the circle. One was young and he gripped a makeshift spear as he looked towards the woods as well.

"Jack... Jackson Darby..." the man said as he remembered him. His eyes widened and he noticed a man with firewood. "Bulkhead..." he gasped and stood as their names filled his mind quickly. He went to the girl who was readying her bow.

"Miko... Rafael..." he listed as he saw the boy hiding by Bumblebee. He saw another woman sitting in a tree with a knife. "Arcee..." he rasped and rubbed his face. They appeared to be ready for battle. He glanced around then went towards the place they were staring. He walked a little ways then froze.

He saw a man with a wicked grin stabbing another man through with a sword. The other man looked at him with shock and pain. The villain was previously injured and there were medical supplies by the other man. He had helped this man and as payment was killed. He walked over to the dying man and looked at him.

"Ratchet...." he whispered and glanced to the blade going through his midsection. "I'm sorry Old Friend...." he muttered and tried to pull the blade out. It didn't move. He looked to the other man and saw the horrible look in his eyes for blood.

"Megatron." He growled and saw other people coming out of hiding. How was he supposed to help these people?

"Optimus!" A voice cried. He grunted and gripped his head as he fell to his knees. Memories coming to him like a waterfall.

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