He knew the minute he saw her
She was special.

Adelaide Kane as

Natasha Higgins

Natasha Higgins

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She was a photographer And he was her model

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She was a photographer
And he was her model

Ethan Dolan as

Ethan Feder

Ethan Feder

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He didn't think they were rushing itHe thought it was fate

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He didn't think they were rushing it
He thought it was fate

KishMyAsh as

Elizabeth Higgins

Elizabeth Higgins

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She loved how fast they were movingShe loved him

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She loved how fast they were moving
She loved him

The rest of the cast as their respected characters.

This is an AU story. It will follow MOST of the movies. There will be extra characters, as you have seen. There will be mature content. Such as-
Adult language
Slight lemons, I don't know if there will be smut, if there is, I will put a warning at the top of the chapter.

I do not own Grown ups. If there is any harmful or hateful comments I will delete them. Unless I know your joking. Plagiarism is not prohibited, if someone sees someone plagiarizing please DM me.

Inspiration: KishMyAsh because she's my best friend and she helps me want to write more. Nikollee2 because she or he has a book with the Dolan twins as the main characters interest. Go check out their book it's really amazing.

Votes: Tell me you like what I'm writing and gives support.
Comments: Show me your invested into the story just as much as I am.

293 words


Edited: nope

I'm aware that Cameron Boyce plays Keithie and I don't mean any disrespect to him. We all love and miss him and luckily he's in a better place now, with all that's going on.

This will be a AU with the Dolan twins so, yeah :))

Started: 6/15/2020
Finished: ??
Edited: ?

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