Chapter 6: War Horizon

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Grall sat at his new desk, in his new spy tower, as he went over the paperwork and arranged the soldiers and spy's in formations to benefit the kingdom, when he came across a curious report.

"Fluffles," Grall called out, he waited a moment before continuing, "who wrote this report?"

"That would me, my lord." Fluffles responded, his usual purr didn't seem to be there today.

"And, you're sure it's correct?" Grall asked as he went over it a second time.

"Yes, my lord." Fluffles said, his voice felt small compared to usual.

"... Good job my friend, your next mission is for you to decide, as long as it benefits you." Grall said, he knew exactly where Fluffles would head off to, he would catch up with his vampiric wife and friends, help them save a village from bandits or travel to the future again. Grall didn't care what Fluffles did if he always returned safely and Fluffles knew that.

Grall waited a few moments for Fluffles to leave. "I know you can hear me Tyril." Grall said when he was sure he was alone. "I need your help."

Tyril appeared before Grall in a flash, yawning as if he just woke up from a nap. "Grall," he said as he looked around the tower, "I see you and Grodak made use of every square inch of Whitewater."

"Cut the crap, Tyril." Grall said as he stood. "How are you alive? I saw you dead on the battlefield."

Tyril nodded his head in understanding. "I've died several times throughout my life," Tyril spoke slowly, "but death is only a temporary setback for me."

"Are you a necromancer?" Grall asked, his hand slowly moved to oathkeepers handle.

"No." Tyril said watching Grall with amusement. "I am a wraith, a being that has had their soul ripped out of their body and put back in."

".... Ok." Grall said in satisfaction. "I trust you, so I know you wouldn't lie about that."

Tyril smiled and was about to say something but was interrupted by an orc rushing in. "My lord," the orc shouted, "there is a dragon on the outskirts of the kingdom. It's burning the Forrest down and going wild."

"What?" Grall shouted as he looked over his notes. "Evacuate everyone in the nearby region assemble ten thousand soldiers and have them ready to march in the next ten minutes, summon Adrian here as will."

"My lord," the orc said nervously, "he isn't within the castle."

"Where is he then?" Grall asked, the look on the orcs face told him everything he needed to know without a word. "No."

"Grall," Tyril said as he moved his sword in a more comfortable position, "we don't have time to waste, Adrian needs our help. Let's get moving."

Grall looked to Tyril in astonishment, a king willing to help his subjects in such a way was unheard of. "Right." Grall said, he grabbed oathkeeper and tied it to his belt. "Let's go."

Tyril placed his hand on Gralls shoulder and teleported the both to the dragon's location. Fire and brimstone littered the ash covered ground as the blue dragon clawed desperately at a log that laid on the ground. Grall immediately jumped into action, summoning ten shadow soldiers to attack the dragon as Grall and Tyril mounted the dragons back.

The dragon shook fiercely as the shadow soldiers attacked its legs. Grall ran as fast as he could and jumped off the crown of the dragon's head slamming oathkeeper into the dragon's eye, his shadow mimicked his attack.

The dragon reared its head and let loose a roar that shook the ground and began to shake its head. Hot blood spilled out of the dragon's eye burning Gralls hands as he held on for dear life. Grall, who's aim was only to subdue the dragon, used his shadow to stab the second eye.

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