21 April, 1978 - Fear

Start from the beginning

"Oh look," he'd said, with far too much joy in his voice. "It's the little blood traitor bitch."

Lavinia had, more out of habit than anything else, glanced around, half hoping she would find a teacher or at least some sympathetic face, however hard those were to come by these days. But her luck seemed to have run out years ago and there was no one to be found.

"Looking for a friend to hide behind?" Mulciber had asked, smirking. "Oh wait. You don't have any."

He'd laughed and Lavinia had suppressed the light stab at the words, at how close to true they felt, reminding herself that she had the Marauders. She had friends. Just not the same ones she'd had before. Without really having to think about it, Lavinia had decided she would ignore him, just like she did with everyone who insulted her these days. So she'd started walking, knowing she only had to make it to the dormitories. He wouldn't be able to follow her up to her room.

Mulciber, rather predictably, had fallen into step beside her and Lavinia had dropped her hand into her bag as casually as she could, searching for the comfort of her wand in her fingers. She'd wanted to at least pretend she could protect herself. Though, if she was honest, she didn't have any spell in her arsenal that could counter Mulciber if he tried to use any of his darker magic against her.

"Of course," Mulciber had continued as they walked, Lavinia's steps going about as fast as she could make them without actively running. "You know what they say about bad apples. I wonder if I should ask your brother a few questions," he'd continued. "I'm sure I could make him admit you've spoiled him for the cause."

Lavinia's stomach had clenched at the threat against her brother, but she showed no fear, not wanting to give even the faintest impression that Mulciber might be right about William's loyalty to her. "You'd come up empty handed," she informed him flatly. "William disowned me the day I left."

"Which was New Years Eve, was it not?" he asked. Lavinia shot a glance sideways, wondering how the hell he knew that. Neither Eloise nor Regulus had mentioned anything about Rhea providing a specific date on which she'd left. "So," Mulciber was continuing, "We've had a traitor in our midst for months. Tell me, did Regulus know? When he defended you from Rowle? I certainly hope not because I'd hate to have to coerce answers out of him too. You've made a messy little problem for me, Selwyn."

Lavinia closed her eyes for a moment, wishing she could walk faster. She wanted to run, really, but she was afraid of what he might do if she bolted.

They were almost at the hidden door to the common room before Mulciber spoke again and this time he grabbed her arm and slammed her against the wall. Lavinia felt old fears rising, felt herself shaking as she tried to dislodge every memory of her mother's fists that came surging forward when Mulciber raised a warning hand.

"I'm only going to warn you once, Selwyn," he'd said, his voice low and threatening. "Stay away from your former friends if you want them to stay safe. You've hurt them enough already. I'd hate for you to hurt them more." He'd held her there for a moment, even after he finished speaking and Lavinia was too busy holding back panic to pull away. She was fighting tears in her eyes and sobs in her throat and all she knew was that it had always gotten worse with Rhea if she dared to show her fear. "I like you like this," Mulciber said finally, a nasty smirk on his face. He'd flicked his eyebrows as though daring her to challenge him, but Lavinia was too focussed on remembering how to breathe properly to rise to the bait. "You're no fun," he scowled, dropping her arm and stepping back. "Just remember who has the power now, Selwyn. Remember that you're worthless without your family to back you up."

And he'd walked away. Lavinia had practically collapsed as soon as her arm had been released. She hadn't bothered to go into the common room. She hadn't needed to. She no longer needed to drop off her books or her bag. She had only one place she needed to be.

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