Chapter 1

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The music was blasting in every corner of the club, people were dancing wildly and drinking every alcoholic drink known to man. The club was decorated with floating silver and purple balloons for Tiffany's birthday. It was nearly midnight when I decided the party was getting out of hand and it was time for me to go.

I went and found the birthday girl Tiffany and thanked her for an amazing night then made my way outside the club and breathed in the cold air. The sky was dark, uninviting and looked as though it was lurking with evil. Almost dangerous. It was nearly twelve and there was no-one to be seen in the street at all, I must have been one of the first to leave the party.

At least the party had been a distraction from reality for me. At least I could spend a couple hours free and not thinking about what I would do tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. Both my parents have just passed away and I have no other family. Tomorrow will be the first day on my own; I have no idea what I will do.

All of a sudden interrupting me from my thoughts came a black Ferrari zooming around the corner, it stopped right in front of me outside the club. I turned my back and started walking underneath the street lights hoping to get in a taxi on a busier street. I turned my head and glanced over my shoulder to find two tall boys standing there motionless, as still as a statue facing me just staring. The boy on the left was dressed in black faded jeans and a black leather jacket with black sneakers. He had dark brown shaggy hair that was cropped into a modern hair cut, and big brown eyes. The other boy had light blonde longer hair and dark eyes and was dressed similarly to the first boy.

I turned my head back and continued walking forward at a faster pace when two more tall boys rounded the corner. I stopped walking. These boys were all together and all looked like porcelain dolls in a way there skin was all so pale and they all looked toned and full of muscle underneath their clothes. One boy had light brown hair and deep brown eyes, and the other boy had sandy coloured blonde hair with the same coloured eyes as the boy before him.

I moved so my back was against the brick wall behind me and I could get a clear view of all of them at once, see what they were all doing. There was no way I could fight them, there was four of them and one of me. I am not a girl that fight's I'm not that strong, I am a petite girl for my age which is 16. I am small boned and just under average height. I have long golden wavy hair that comes up to my elbows and bright blue eyes that stand out dramatically.

I decided to run for it. There was a gap leading onto the other street that maybe I could make my way through and get to a taxi. I forced my legs to run and only got about three metres from where I was when one boy moved incredibly fast and blocked my way. I turned around to go back the other way, but I was blocked so quickly again by another boy. All four of them were now in arms distance to me.

'What do you want?' I questioned trying to sound brave, though I'm pretty sure they could hear my voice shaking

At that exact moment a long black limousine came whizzing around the corner going dramatically over the speed limit. The windows were so darkly tinted you couldn't see anything inside the car from viewing it outside. All four boys turned their head and saw the limousine, then they all gave each other what looked like a secretive look. They knew something I didn't.

'Get her inside the car, quickly!' The tall blonde boy instructed ignoring my question, glancing at the limousine quickly and then back to the other boys. This boy seemed to be the leader of the four, the one in charge. I hinted a sense of urgency in his voice as he spoke to the others.

Two of the boys came up to me and each grabbed one of my arms, I tried to shrug loose from there hold but their grip was so strong. I tried to scream but nothing would come out of my mouth, my whole throat was dry and no matter how hard I tried no sound would escape from it.

I tried to wriggle loose as much as I could, I moved my arms and twisted and turned in their grip but nothing good came out of it. I kicked my legs trying to aim for them behind me yet I missed every time.

'She's struggling too much' exclaimed one of the boys holding my arm

'Then do it, it will just be easier' another boy informed the other one.

Do what? I wanted to ask but still no sound would come out of my mouth. I just stood there fighting their grip even though it wasn't doing any good. The third boy came up to me, amusement playing across his face when he put his palm in between my shoulder and my neck. I tried to shake it off but he was strong, too strong.

He pressed his palm down gently, and that was when I felt my body go limp. I was falling towards the ground and one boy caught me in his arms and carried me quickly towards the car. Then everything went black.

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