Chapter 15

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I woke up feeling like I was moving. I was in a care lying acorss the middle seat with my head on someones lap, I looked up and saw Bray. That was the first time I have ever been releieved to see Bray. I saw Jay and Dean sitting in the front which must mean Kyle was in the back. I tried to sit up, but when I did I groaned out in pain and clutched my head. It throbbed so badly.

‘I wouldn’t do that just yet kid’ Bray said placing an arm around me and pushing me back to a lying down position.

‘We’re nearly there Ella’ Jay informed me ‘Just a minute more’

So I continued to lie down on Bray until we drove up a familiar looking extremely long driveway. We were back at the boys home.. well apparently my home too. I sat up again, holding my head but not letting any signs of the pain escape my lips. The guys all jumped out of the car and Bray lifted me down, he went to pick me up.

‘No, no I’m fine’ I said waving off his strong arms

The guys all looked at me as I attempted to walk, I took two steps and began to sway,

‘I feel a bit dizzy’ I said whilst still swaying, I started falling towards the ground but luckily Bray caught me before I hit it. He carried me all the way up to my bedroom and then sat me on the bed. I looked up to see all four vampires at the end of my bed with worried expressions.

‘Guys, I’m fine’ I said trying to ease their worry

‘Ella, your shirt has blood stains on’ Kyle pointed out

I looked down and remembered the scene from the petrol station and the mirrors, I shuddered as I remembered.

‘It’s fine’ I said

‘Ella it’s not fine, we need to take a look at you injuries’ Jay said sternly ‘and I’m not taking no for an answer’

‘That’s invading my rights’ I replied. I really didn’t want five guys looking at my injuries which were indeed under my clothing, no way I’m stripping for them all.

‘Right now I don’t give a shit about your rights’ Jay replied. I had never seen him sound more serious. ‘We can take you to the hospital if you would rather that?’ He asked already knowing my answer.

I shook my head and a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped It away angrily, I hated crying in front of people, it made me seem so vulnerable.

‘Look Ella, there doesn’t need to be four of us here to see your injuries so only two of us will stay okay? No more, no less’ Jay said. And with that Dean and Kyle left the room locking the door behind them.

‘Okay El, will you let us see your injuries now?’ Bray asked me gently

I nodded my head, I really couldn’t fight them anymore tonight and I was getting tired.

‘Well it’s going to be hard to see and fix your injuries with your three-thousand layers of clothing on’ Bray said implying I need to change.

I sighed and walked into the bathroom, I slipped of my shoes, shorts and pulled my top off. I glanced in the mirror and saw cuts, bruises and gashed all over me. I opened the bathroom door and walked out in my matching lacy pink and black playboy bra and undies. 

‘Okay’ I said to get the boys attention, they both had there backs to me but soon turned around. Their expressions on their faces were filled with mixed emotions, shock, hatred, anger, sadness. Both of the boys walked up to me and did a walk around me making sure to see the full extent of my injuries.

‘I think we should fix you up in the bathroom’ Jay said, so we all followed him into the bathroom. Once we were in there we turned on the light and Jay lifted me up and sat me on the counter. Bray got the first aid kit and then they both got to work.

They both started at the bottom of my legs and worked their way upwards the whole time mumbling comments like ‘Shit El’ or ‘Oh my god.’ They finished cleaning the cuts on my legs and I sat with my arms folded over my stomach. I know I was petite and not fat in the slightest I had a good body. But hell I was still insecure.

‘Alright now your stomach’ Jay said

I shook my head, that was where I got stabbed with the glass, what if it needs stitches, they are really going to hurt I know it. If they look at the wound its not going to be good.

‘Alright we’ll come back to that’ Jay sighed, and the boys cleaned the cuts on my arms and back and then my head. I had a cut above my eyebrow I didn’t even notice until Bray put a bandaid across it.

‘Okay, now that’s everything except your stomach’ Jay said

‘There’s no injuries there’ I lied

Both boys looked at me with raised eyebrows, they knew I was lying.

‘Your such a bad liar’ they both said in sync

‘El, we need to see it’ Jay pleaded

I shook my head, a few tears rolling down my cheek ‘but It hurts’ I whispered

Then Bray grasped my hands and pulled them off of my stomach holding them behind my back. I had no energy left to fight him but he kept his grip tight. Both of the boys gasped when the saw my it and I did too. There was a huge gash on my stomach, it was fairly deep and they knew a band-aid wasn’t going to cut it with this one.

Jay gently started cleaning the dry blood off my stomach with some cotton wool and the he cleaned around the hug wound.

‘I think it needs some stitches El’ Jay said taking a look at it

‘No’ I replied my voice shaking, I started to fight against Bray then but his grip held like iron and I soon got tired.

‘We’re going to have to go down to the on-site doctor’ Jay said, and with that Bray let my arms go and picked me up. He carried me gently against his chest and I started to relax and listen to the rhythm of his heart beat and my eyes started to droop closed.

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