Chapter 13

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‘Hi Ella’ his deep voice said ‘I’m Blake’

‘You were back in Sydney at the club, then the airport, I saw your car’ I stated taking a step back

‘Yes that was me, I’ve been trying to find you for a while now Ella, to help you, to take you back home’

‘to help me’ I repeated

‘Yes Ella, I saw you get taken in Sydney and I’ve been following you all around trying to save you and take you back home’

‘Why?’ I asked

‘Because it’s the right thing to do, please let me help you’ he pleaded looking into my eyes

I shook my head ‘How can I trust you?’ I questioned

‘I’ll take you to the airport, you can go back home, after all it looks like your ride has vanished’

I turned around to see he was right, the taxi had gone, now it was getting dark and there was only that black limo around.

‘It’s going to be getting dark soon, it’s not safe for you to be out here all on your own’ he continued

RING! RING! RING! Blake’s phone was buzzing in his pocket, he took it out watching me closely and put it to his ear.

‘Not yet’ he muttered into the phone then turned his back to me and continued talking only softer. I had to strain my ears to hear him ‘soon, I’ve nearly got her’ he listened for a minute before hanging up.

That’s when I bolted, I was sure for the second time that night that someone was talking about me on the phone and I didn’t know why. I ran up to the petrol station except the doors wouldn’t open for me. I turned around to head in another direction except it was too late, Blake was standing in front of me, a bemused expression playing across his face.

‘Where are you going Ella?’ he asked all too innocently moving closer towards me

‘Stay away from me’ I demanded, he inched closer until he was standing right in front of me, our toes touching, looking down at me. I just looked up at him, and brought my knee up with as much force as I could into his crotch. I expected a scream, him to be on the ground or at least move an inch. But nothing happened. He just looked amused and unaffected. That’s when I realised what he must be. He’s a vampire. My eyes widened and I lunged to the side trying to make another run for it, I didn’t get very far before I felt a crushing weight tackling me to the ground. I was flipped over and my arms were held above my head whilst Blake straddled me to keep me from getting up.

‘Ella, you are coming with me tonight’ Blake said sternly

‘Like hell I am’ I replied squirming under his grip

He raised his eyebrows at me as if to say ‘like hell you aren’t’

‘You know what I am don’t you’ He asked

I nodded my head, ‘You’re a smart girl, so get into my car and I won’t hurt your right now’

I nodded again and felt the weight life off me, I scrambled to my feet and ran again, that’s when I saw it. A shiny object caught my attention in the setting sunlight it was a crowbar, I lunged for it and held it up as my defence.

‘Really El?’ he laughed at me walking closer and closer ‘You know this whole cat and mouse thing I can do it forever, you are never going to win’

I swung the crowbar at him but he gripped it off me before it could hit his face and I bolted again, this time to the block of bathrooms at the side of the petrol station. I ran in and locked the door to the entrance, then went inside a cubicle and locked that. I saw a blade on the floor and I picked it up planning to use it as my new weapon.

BANG! A huge bang sounded and then I hear footsteps inside the bathroom. BANG! another huge bang and my cubicle door was kicked in and I was face to face with Blake.

‘C’mon El time to go’ he said reaching down to grab me, he grabbed me around the waist and I clung onto the door frame for dear life. He attempted to pull me off it but I was hanging on extremely tightly, I was holding on for my life literally. He kicked me in the stomach trying to get me off with his foot and I yelped out in pain. Then I remembered the blade in my hand I stabbed it into his leg but once again he didn’t seem affected. He pulled  me off of the door frame with such great force the impact sent me flying back into the mirrors on the wall. The glass shattered cutting me everywhere. I crumpled to the ground with a shard of glass stabbing me in my stomach, I pulled it out and groaned. There were growing red stains on my shirt.

Blake walked over to me and kneeled down ‘that was really all uneccesary you know, I told you I always win’ and with one swift movement he lifted me up and placed me over his shoulder. I fought against him with what was left of my energy and kicked my legs which he just restrained with an arm. Just as we were reaching the limo he set me down.

‘I’m not getting in there’ I stated matter of factly

‘You don’t have a choice’ he responded in the same tone. He reached into his pocket and brought out what looked like a syringe with a huge needle in it. I started to freak out.

‘Blake, lets not do anything rash now’ I said with my hands up, and with another swift motion Blake was restraining me around my waist with one arm whilst his other arm plunged a syringe into my arm.

‘Sorry about that’ Blake said, though he really did not seem sorry at all. Within a matter of seconds I remember falling to the ground and seeing nothing but blackness. I had been drugged.

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