Chapter 19

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. I slowly tried to straighten myself up to see who it was standing their. And I was face to face with Bray, I let out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding. Then the pain struck again,

‘Ahhhh’ I doubled over again, hands still on my stomach.

‘El, baby what’s wrong?’ Bray asked his voice covered in worry

‘I..I don’t feel too good’ I managed to get the words out with great difficulty,

‘lets sit you down’ Bray eased me down to the ground and assumed a position with my knees pulled up to my chest with my head resting on my knees and my hands still tightly clasped around my stomach.

‘El, we were looking for you, we were really worries when we couldn’t find you in your room. I better call the boys’ Bray sighed and assumed a phone call ‘Hey found her, outside, main oval… yep…ok..bye.’ Bray hung up the phone and not even a minute after I spied three more pairs of shoes in front of me, but I knew who those shoes belonged to even without lifting my head.

‘El, whats wrong?’

‘Is she okay?’

‘What happened?’

The boys worry was clear but I wasn’t sure whose voice was who’s without watching them talk, they all sounded very similar in the state I was in.

Bray kneeled down beside me a swept my hair back from my face tucking it behind my ear, ‘El baby, can you tell us what happened?’ he prompted for an answer

‘I went for a run, to clear my head, then my stomach hurt’ I mumbled still not looking up at any of them

‘Well you probably shouldn’t be running with your stitches in, that’s got to be putting some strain on your stomach’ one of the boys answered

‘You should have told us where you were going’ another voice scowled me

‘Sorry, I didn’t know had too’ I mumbled into my knees

‘Okay well for future reference you do have to tell us everything, where you are going, what you are doing especially after the other days occurrence’ another voice added in

I didn’t think that was fair, but I had no energy left to argue with the boys at the moment and I was beginning to feel dizzy.

‘Okay C’mon lets get you up and get something for the pain’ Bray leaned down and scooped me up into his arms.

‘No, no I’m fi-fine, please I can walk’ I really didn’t want to be carried around it made me feel so vulnerable. Bray set me down on my feet and I straightened myself out standing up tall. I looked up and saw four pairs of concerned eyes watching me intently.

I began to feel dizzy again and felt like my head was spinning. However I started to step forward and as I took a couple of steps I began to sway.

‘El, still alright?’ a voice asked clearly knowing I wasn’t

I nodded in response my hand grasping my head hoping it would stop the head spins. But as I took my next step I lost my footing and began to fall backwards, luckily I was with a group of Vampires because I swept into someones arms before I hit the ground.

‘I..i’m fine, I can walk’ I moaned in pain trying to get out of the arms that held me, I looked up to see Bray’s eyes boring into mine and his eyebrows raised at me

‘Really El, your not fine Baby, stop fighting us’

‘I think its all of the blood the was taken out of her mixed all the physical activity she’s done today, that why she’s so light headed’ Kyle spoke up

‘Hm I think your right Kyle, her blood levels should be back to normal by tomorrow but she should take it easy the next few days, and as for her pain I think we have something strong in our room for her’ Bray replied

I was still fully conscious, I was more alert than ever, I was just very as Kyle had said light headed.  I lifted my head and noticed that we were walking into the main building except we were going down a different corridor this time, at the end of the corridor was another door. Somehow Bray managed to open the door with me still in his arms, Bray walked through and I took in the surroundings. To my left was a modern looking kitchen, and lounge room that I could see all the flooring was timber and all of the walls where a plain white, then at the back of the room there was a staircase. It looked like a huge apartment.

‘This is where we live El’ Bray informed me whilst walking forward and setting me down on a black leather lounge. ‘Now how’s that pain?’

‘Bad’ I gasped again and assumed the same position I was in out on oval ground.

‘Not for much longer baby’ Bray assured while disappearing

I noticed Jay and Dean both standing in front of me just watching me with worry and Kyle was seated next to me with the same expression on his face.

Bray returned holding something behind his back and I could feel my eyebrows crease in confusion.

‘Did you um.. find me something?’ I asked worried

‘Yes, it’s a very strong pain medication and it will work really quickly, and because your so small will probably make you sleepy’

‘Okay’ that didn’t sound s bad

‘But it has to go in intravenously’ Bray informed me and as he said that the three other heads in the room snaped towards me watching me extra cautiously now.

‘Okay’ I repeated I really didn’t know what that meant I just wanted the pain relief.

Bray looked at me, with surprise the pulled out his hand from behind his back and in his hand was a large shiny syringe filled with a clear liquid.

‘A needle?’ I gasped horro evident on my face

‘Yes, that’s what intravenous means sweetie’ Kyle informed me, and I noticed how he was edging closer to me.

I stood up, shaky on my feet ‘No, I..I don’t want it’ my first experience of needles these last few days was not to pleasant and it had left me scarred.

‘Baby this isn’t a choice, you need it’  Bray informed me, at his words I ran towards the front door and jiggled the door knob but I was locked, great just my luck.  Whirled back around facing the four guys who hadn’t moved from the lounge room. They must’ve know the door was locked.

‘Ella sweetie come here, please’ Kyle pleaded, I walked back over tentavily, I mean I really had nowhere to go. As I reached the couch Jay pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. He wrapped his legs around mine fixing them in place and pulled my arms behind my back in an iron grip.

‘No Jay, let go of me’ I tried to twist in his grip, I was scared of what was in the needle. I started to feel tears in my eyes as continued to thrash around in his grp. Sadly I could not escape, he was just too strong.

‘Sssh Ella, we’re not going to hurt you, you need this’ Jay soothed, as Bray made his way closer to me and kneeled down to my height.

‘Baby, look at me’ Bray instructed, and I lifted my head and my teary eyes met his bright blue ones. ‘I’m not going to hurt you, it’s just for your pain, ok.’ And with that he got up and made his way around to my arm and jabbed the syringe in with one swift movement. I scrunched up my face in pain but almost felt an instant relief. Jay release me and I stood up wiping the tears from my eyes.

‘How do you feel Ella?’ jay asked

‘A bit better’ what wonderous medication ‘already’ I finished

‘that’s good babe.’

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