Chapter 18

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‘Alright you all need to get out for the day, Ella you need to get to know the boys and boys you need to get to know Ella because at the very least you will spending the next 2 years together’ Zac finished and got up from his seat walking out of the room.

‘What should we do?’ Dean asked everyone

‘How about the beach?’ Kyle asked

*30 minutes later*

We pulled up to the beach and pilled out of the car, we made our way down onto the sand and lay down our towels. I look around at my surroundings.

‘Where is everyone?’ I asked, there was no-one else on this beach

‘We thought we’d come to a more secluded beach, that way we can be ourselves’ answered Kyle

‘No lifeguards?’ I asked out loud

‘Oh sweetie, you don’t need life guards with us around’ Bray told me whilst giving me a wink

‘The boys made their way down to the water where there were huge waves rolling in. I straightened my towel out and took off my singlet and shorts so I was left in a pink and white polka dot bikini. I decided against tanning and walked down to the waters edge to feel the water. It was freezing, yet the boys were already out in the deep amongst the waves swimming and diving around.

I heard a couple of wolf whistles and glanced up rolling my eyes, the boys made there way over to me in a flash. Curse this speed thing!

‘C’mmon get in the water’ Jay said whilst splashing me

‘It’s freezing, I think I’m just going to go back and tan’ I replied while turning around, but before I could take one step forward Bray was out of the water and standing in front of me smirking.

‘What?’ I questioned him and in a flash I was up in his arms and heading out into the deep deep water.

We spent the whole day at the beach swimming in the water. And let me tell you swimming with vampires is an out of this world experience. We swam so far out to sea I lost sight of the shore at one point.  But the weird thing was I actually enjoyed myself today, I had fun with the boys, it was almost as if I forgot the weird situation I was in and just let go and was myself.

We were now back at ‘our’ house and I was up in my room. I have so many thoughts running through my head at the moment I decided to go for a run to clear my head. I saw it was dusk outside so no one would be training on that big oval and it would be free for my use. I slipped out of my bikini and threw on some short fluro pink running shorts and a white & pink striped sports bra along with my white Nikes. 

I made my way rather quickly and quietly out of my room to outside. I bounded over to the large oval and immediantly started to run around the edges of it. On any normal day I hated running but when I had something on my mind I loved it. It was like I could take out all of my stress on the ground beneath my feet and I could just go faster and faster. I must have been on my third lap when my adrenaline started to wear off and my stomach began to hurt. I tried to continue running but it was too much, I doubled over in pain clasping my stomach gasping for air. Leaning down towards the ground I saw a pair of shoes appear in front of me. 

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