Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5

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"They first appeared over a hundred years ago. Giant, humanoid creatures with a taste for our blood. The brute strength of these aberrations was more than a human many times over. Humanity was shoved to the brink of extinction almost overnight. The survivors erected Walls: Maria, Rose, and Sina, withdrawing numbers behind them in relative safety for a hundred years. And then..."

"The Titan assault on Trost left us reeling. Military causalities were profound, owing at least in part to the Scout Regiment's absence at the time. Ironically, they'd embarked on a reconnaissance mission beyond the wall that very morning."

A few hours earlier

Before Colossal attack

"Heads up! The main unit of the Scout Regiment is back!" shouted a male civilian

Commander Erwin Smith was riding through the streets with a white horse.

"That's right, Commander Erwin! You give those ugly bastards a thrashing!" yelled another male civilian

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"That's right, Commander Erwin! You give those ugly bastards a thrashing!" yelled another male civilian.

Eren and his friends watch as the Scouts leave.

"Look! It's Captain Levi!" yelled a third one.

"They say he's like an entire brigade unto himself," said a fourth one.

Levi was riding next a woman with light brown eyes, long dark brown hair, and wearing square rimmed glasses.

Levi was riding next a woman with light brown eyes, long dark brown hair, and wearing square rimmed glasses

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"Spare me please," said Levi quietly.

"That scowl will crush your fans," said the woman. "Not that it's any of my business, but from a public relations standpoint you might want to lighten up."

"Whatever Hange," said Levi rolling his eyes.

"The threshold of Titania! Can't you just envision the horrors in store for us, comrades?" Hanje asked. "If we bag an Abnormal, I'll burst with tears of joy!

"I think we've bagged an abnormal already," said Levi.

"Seriously? Where?" she asked looking around.

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