I Can Hear His Heartbeat/The Return: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4

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"In the year 850, the Colossal Titan again appeared and decimated yet another barrier between us and them. Once more, mankind retreated in panic before the advance of its greatest for. Brave soul after brave soul perished, eaten alive. Eren himself fell prey to their hunger. Just when things seem their darkest for Mikasa, out of nowhere came the unlikeliest of allies. But just then, that day without notice...our hero, has return."

"There it works," said Armin as gas puffed from the main housing of Mikasa's gear. "I also restocked your blades."

Armin looked at the broken blade.

"If I can, I want to be avoid being eaten," said Armin.

Mikasa grabbed the broken blade and threw it off the roof.

"But... but why?" he asked.

Then, Mikasa placed her hand over Armin's hand.

"Armin!" she called.

Armin looked back at Mikasa.

"I will not leave you behind," assured Mikasa.

"But Titans are everywhere!" stated Armin. "You can't jump and carry me on your back at..."

Connie got up to Armin's face and grabbed Armin's arm.

"Come on. Let's move," said Conny.

All of them started to run towards the roof.

"Please, don't do this. It's not going to work," he thought. "Enough people have died on my account."

As they all got closer from the end of the roof, the Titan roared behind them. Armin looked behind him and an idea sparked in his mind.

"Wait!" shouted Armin taking back his hand. "I've got an idea!"

"What is it, then?" Conny asked.

"Only you all are capable of pulling this off, so it's really your choice," replied Armin. "This may sound crazy, but I think he might be useful."

"Whoa, you mean that Titan?" asked Conny.

"He only attacks his own kind. He seems to have no interest in us," said Armin. "What if we can somehow steer him to HQ and let him loose on the other Titans? Look, we know he's taken one out already. We can use him as a weapon!"

"You have got to be kidding!" shouted Conny.

"Well, something tells me he's fighting on instinct," replied Armin. "I'm almost sure if you take the pair he's tangling with now, he'll go look for others. That would lead him to HQ. We're not steering him so much as he is himself. I think it'll work. I really do."

"Think?!" You're asking us to rick our necks on a stupid gut feeling?!" asked Conny.

"If I'm right about this, we can put down the siege on HQ in one fell swoop!" stated Armin.

"It's worth a shot," replied Mikasa.

"What?! Seriously?!" asked Conny.

"Better to take a gamble on Armin's gut feeling than wait around to be slaughtered," Mikasa replied. "If there's a decent shot, why not take it?"

"So you're telling me we're recruiting a Titan?" asked Conny.

"Yes. Exactly," replied Mikasa.

Conny then looked at Armin.

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