It was Youtube.

'BTS' V Under Fire From Hate from Antis AND Army'

'BTS' V Receives Death Threats'

'BTS' V Innocent or Guilty?'

"Oh my God." Rebecca mumbled, going on Twitter to see all about the hate Taehyung was being attacked with. "Oh my God!" She carefully lifted Jungkook's head off of her and rushed out of the living room, heading straight to Taehyung's room.

9:03 pm

"Tae?" She knocked on his door, leaning her ear against it. "Taehyung, it's Reb-" You could hear a muffled scream from inside, and Rebecca couldn't wait any longer.

She opened the door, stumbling forward slightly, and locked eyes with Taehyung. He was on his bed, a pillow in his hands, the wrinkles showing how tightly Taehyung was holding it. Tears were smeared across his face, his shoulders shaking, whimpers falling from his lips.

"No no no." Rebecca whispered, quickly closing the door, rushing over to Taehyung immediately after. "Hey, come here." She crawled closer to him, his hand half-heartedly covering his mouth as he sobbed. "It's okay Taehyung." He was a loud crier, his shoulders shaking roughly, his whole body tense and shaky.


"Don't think about it." She interrupted, hugging him tighter, blinking away her own tears. She's seen him crying during their awards, she's seen pictures and videos. But never has she been right there to witness his pain herself.

So much raw emotion coming from. So much, suffering.

Taehyung isn't one to cry a lot. He doesn't cry when frustrated. He doesn't cry over a small inconvience.

When he cries, you best know he is falling apart.

"You are a star, Taehyung." Rebecca hummed softly, taking a slow, deep breath, hoping the crumbling boy in her arms will follow suit. "Such a beautiful, bright star." His heart wrenching sobs were slowly subduing. He cried somewhat quietly, his sniffles and choked cries still fell from his lips.

"C-can you, can you sing a s-song?" He wiped his eyes with the sleeves pulled over his hands. "Please?"

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." They both laid against his back board on his bed, Rebecca sat straight, Taehyung cowering into her side. She had her body turned towards him, her arm around him tightly. He had his fingers latched onto her sweatshirt, holding on like his life depended on it. "You make me happy, when skies are gray."

Her voice certainly wasn't one of a singer's. Her voice was not perfect, definitely faltering off key at times. But, to Taehyung, it was perfect.

The way her voice cracked trying to get the high notes. The way she stumbled over her words ever so. Trying to put dynamics in the song only led to a whisper of words from her.

She was so imperfectly perfect.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you." She sang, watching Taehyung's fingers finally release her sweatshirt, finding her own fingers. "Please don't take, my sunshine away." It was as if everything finally clicked once their fingers interlaced with one another. This was the second time they've held hands, the first being in the car.

But this time was different.

They were focussing on the feel of each other's hands. Taehyung never realized how small her hands were compared to his, and vice versa with her.

They never realized how perfectly their hands fit with each other's.

"H-how are you?" Taehyung swallowed, forcing himself to look up at her. He wanted to make sure she was doing okay with the dispatch, with the attention. "With..everything?"

"Taehyung, don't worry about me." Rebecca squeezed his hand once, leaning her forehead on his ever so lightly. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." He smiled softly, nodding only twice, his hand not returning the squeeze.

"Tae..." Rebecca let go of his hand, and he felt empty. He fell for a second, his touch of love, gone from his grasp. But once she touched the side of his face, it was back.

Taehyung's smile faltered and he tried to rebuild it, he tries so hard. But you can only do so much with a shatter piece of glass. Tears pilled in his eyes, blinding him from her. "I-I'm fine." With those two words, the glass turned to dust; his walls crumbled. His head landed on her shoulder, the sobs returning. Rebecca hugged him again, Taehyung small, broken, in her arms. He collapsed into her, finding shelter with her.

"It's okay to not be okay Tae."

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