Ruby rose

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(Authors note: say hi to a new chapter now for the main thing, rwby itself)

Mysterious voice: "Legends, story's scattered though time, mankind has grown quite dawn of recounting the exploits of hero's and villains forgetting so easily we are remnants, byproducts of a forgotten past, man born from dust was strong, wise and resourceful but he was born in an unforgiving world, an inevitable darkness, creatures of destruction, the creatures of Grimm set there sights on man and all of  his creations, these forces clashed and it seemed darkness was intent on returning mans brief existence to the void, however even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change and in time, mans passion, resourcefulness and ingenuity led them the tools that would help even the odds, this power was appropriately named, "dust", nature's wrath in hand man lit their way though the darkness and in the shadows a sense came strength, civilization and most importantly life, but even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die and when they are gone, darkness  will return.

Third person pov: location: vale: the screen moves and shows a group of thugs led by Roman walking down an ally as Roman takes a puff of his cigar, the mysterious voice continues "so you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called free world, but take heed there will be no victory in strength" when a new voice chimes in "but perhaps victory is in simpler things that you've long forgotten, things that require a smaller more honest if hungrier soul" the camera then shows that in the back of the dust shop ruby can be seen reading the latest weapons Magazine , in the front Roman and his hired help arrive and look around while looking at dust as Roman approaches the clerk "do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late" Roman says as a goon points his gun at the old man "p-please take my lien and leave!" as Roman shushes him and says "calm down we're not here for your money, grab the dust" as the thugs spread out, beginning to grab the dust as Larry opens a case and says " crystals, burn, uncut" one of the thugs move to get more dust when he hears music, he looks and sees ruby and says "alright kid put your... wings where I can see,em" ruby however didn't hear this demand frustrating the thug as he then says "hey! Han-wings in the air!" As he moves and pulls down Ruby's hood and says "you got a death wish or something?!" as ruby turns are round with her headphones on going "huh?" the henchmen points to his ear and Ruby lowers her headphones and says "yes?" as the thug repeats "I said Han-wings in the air, now" as ruby goes "are you... robbing me?" she asks with a predatory glint in her eyes before quickly looking around and sizing up the thug and his friends, the thug unaware but for some reason his instincts telling him to run says "yes!" which would be the last mistake he made as ruby smirks devilishly and then opens her maw wide open, the thug only had 1 second to scream before Ruby's mouth in-cased his head before ruby greedily swallows him down, Roman here the muffled scream of his hired thug looks over in time to see a blur crash in too another one of his thugs as the window is broken now and Roman and his remaining help look out as horror paints (mostly the thugs, Roman is just shocked) itself across there faces as they look to see ruby gobbling down the thug she tackled as she rises again and finishes swallowing in an already large gut before pulling out her baby, crescent rose before looking at Roman and his remaining goons before slamming her scythe down as she turns her headphones off with a confidant yet hungry smirk as hands prints and terrified faces made themselves known on her stomach and if one had a keen eye saw her corset undone, Roman shook his head a little shocked said "ok... we'll make your money, get her" to encourage the thugs who were hesitant after seeing two of there colleagues get eaten like noodles, loyalty won out in the end over brains and common sense and rushed the young harpy, the thugs rushed her as ruby reacts surprisingly quick dispirit her large gut knocking one of the thugs into the air before opening her mouth in anticipation and the thug goes down her throat easily before quickly turning around and knocking a thug that attempted to attack her from behind, before she could eat him a thug with a tommy gun opened fire forcing her to retreat a bit before flying into the sky and using her talons and semblance slammed him into the pavement, Roman seeing his helped hired having been defeated or devoured says "you worth every cent, truly we're" before looking at ruby and saying "well robin (Because of Ruby's red and Blake feathers) if your done enjoying your self, I think we can agree this has been an eventful evening and as much as like to stick around" before lifting his can as the bottom opens "this is were we part ways" as an explosive flare flys out almost hitting ruby who quickly jumped up and avoided the explosion, ruby quickly looks around and sees Roman no were to be found before turn around and seeing him climbing up a ladder, ruby turns to the shopkeeper who was shocked and asked "ok if I go after him?" the shopkeeper simply nods before ruby quickly follows but no before looking at the downed goons she didn't eat before sighing dejectedly, criminals first, food later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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