Life on patch

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(Authors note: pardon the chapter name I'll rename it in the future as it's the best I could think of, ruby and Nora are 10, Pyrrha and Weiss are 11, Yang is 13)

Third person pov: location Xiao long/rose house: in this unassuming house it seems normal enough but it ain't, inside the house ruby and Nora were currently being manipula-  talked too by Yang, ever since ruby was reunited (along with her other sisters to a degree) with her old family thinks were quite shocking with the help of the old coot (after managing to survive an enraged drunkle and a blond dragon with a younger female version by his side) the family was certainly bigger and tai trying to be the best father he can for his now monsterfied daughter (with 3 extras) such as helping her to fly and teaching her about not eating innocent people and on that note yang being older than all of them took advantage of there somewhat naive minds and appetites more specifically Nora and ruby, such as one time were she pummeled the school bully's down and then fed them to Nora and ruby, nobody was happy that day expect Yang who claimed to being doing community service while ruby and Nora were taking a nap not giving a damn, as for the old coot he mostly stayed inside his bunker and visited the family's house for check ups on the girls and if anything new popped up, tai, Qrow and summer (summer will be alive in this universe) obviously didn't like him and that's putting it generously ok they hated him but over time  he made amends and still feels guilty as he knows what he did was wrong but feels a little better as his former daughters now had a real family, as for the monster girls themselves they were enjoying there new family they especially liked there big sister Yang expect Pyrrha she liked Yang but felt like she should be the big sister but she Yang we're more of sisterly rivals, now yang herself enjoyed this especially being reunited with her harpy of a sister  ruby and Nora the lamia as they were most voracious and yang wouldtrick them or convince them to eat but not limited too, bully's, the mailman (or mailgirl), the person who touched her hair, or anyone who pissed her off or simply insulted her or her siblings, the old coot felt his work in teaching ruby and Nora right and wrong was being somewhat undone and encouraged tai to try and stop Yang from this, unfortunately all the adults might as well been given the bird as Yang kept doing it while Pyrrha and Weiss watched and sometimes joined in. 

Third person pov: location: patch: overall life on patch was good but remember those boys well as for jaune and ren well somehow they kept in touch, sense ren lost his old home and thus became somewhat of a nomad but the old coot feeling bad for the boy took him in as a son (no it's not incest when Nora, Weiss and ren get older as there not related) while Jaune's family was in vale (it was never really specified were they were though they may be in mistral but for the sake of plot there in vale) whenever possible ruby and Pyrrha would visit jaune often at the park/playground (which in turn his sisters would relentlessly tease him about it because that's what sisters do) and they liked him and enjoyed he and his sisters company and the younger arc sisters (specifically in the picture one of the arc sisters looks somewhat like an scientist yeah her) and often does things liking poking and prodding, questions and other things Pyrrha doesn't what ruby too hear as ruby out of all them is the most innocent (I have to keep Ruby's innocents to a certain degree she doesn't know  damn about sex beyond very limited knowledge and vore doesn't qualify as sex, it depends though, and her crush on jaune doesn't count) and for Pyrrha as she sees herself as the protector of her sisters (she would often join Yang in the pummeling of bully's sense the rose/Xiao long household is tired of getting complaints of a child going missing) and thus makes sure ruby doesn't hear about 70% of questions.

Third person pov: location: rose/Xiao long house: inside the house Weiss could be seen reading while her 'sister' ruby was stuffing cookies down her gullet with her mom while Nora, Pyrrha and yang trained with tai and they were putting there strengths the best they could such as trying to wrap tais legs up or surprise him with a hard kick but tai was an experienced huntsman and could counter them and he found out noras tail is a weak spot more accurately the end of it a simple tickle or tight squeeze and she burst out laughing or yelp, much to her embarrassment and try's to minimize the chance of that happening, Pyrrha try to be like the disciplined fighters she watches on tv (the minstrel tortament) but she ain't that good but still good enough and hold her own, back inside ruby was snuggling with summer after both ain't a small stores worth of cookies and strawberry's, while summer was obviously overjoyed her daughter was ok she wasn't ok with the fact she been transformed by an old deranged bastard (in her perspective) but overall she's just happy her daughters back and hugged her harpy daughter loving before yawning and going to sleep with ruby in her arms.

(Authors note: yeah not very long but it's better than nothing next chapter will be beacon and such

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