The old coot

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Unknown location third person pov: in an underground laboratory there was an old scientist (70s or so) and was on his computers camera looking for some good test subjects for his experiment he was doing with a new type of dust he found, this dust was a magenta like color that he discovered while on the run from Grimm and fell down a hole, eventually he made a makeshift lab that nobody but himself could find and while the dust had no effect on him it did effect female subjects such as a rabbit he caught and to his complete surprise it transformed into a more feminine structure but was completely out of control so he had to kill it but the fact a dust of sorts ended up changing the rabbits body it made him wonder what would happen to a human or Faunus of the female gender this made him look for subjects but he wanted a subject that would not go crazy or anything so he figured baby's would do the trick so he began searching and finally after 9 months of observing 4 pregnant females they all gave birth so he made his move and waited after 5 weeks or so of observation and made his move to get his test subjects.

Island of patch third person pov middle of the night: the professor despite his age was surprisingly nimble as walked quietly to the house where his first target is, he proceeded to climb up to one of the windows and looked inside and saw the crib, he took a deep breath before slowly opening the window and stepped inside cautiously as he Listened to the parents snore before he reached the crib, he pulled out a bottle of special highly nutritionist milk but it had a catch the milk was infused with a sleeping serum that would keep the baby asleep for a long time, which if he coutculatcd right this would give him enough time to get all of his targets before the night is over, he looked into the crib before he lowered the bottle down and when the baby woke up it instantly latched on with out a care and just he predicted the baby was sleeping tighter than a sack of bricks, he brought a baby safe backpack and put he girl inside before zipping it up and making his leave out the same window before hesitating slightly and wondered if he was really gonna do this before shrugging it off and leaving quickly as he heard the door open before hearing multiple screams as he winces before rushing off to his next target.

Atlas third person pov schnee manor: he hopped the fence after removing the barb wire and looked for the window that showed the way to his second target, after he found the right window he got a tranquilizer ready as snuck around guards and shooting those that might have spotted him  and the precious cargo on his back and after while he climbed his way up and it was the same procedure as before give baby bottle, sneak out after adjusting his backpack to fit both baby's he snuck back down and went off to find his next target.

location kuroyuri third person pov: the professor arrived at his next location but no need for sneaking he made a deal with the homeless mother and came to pick up the baby and found her lying down in the ally as she looked at him and back at the young baby in her hands before approaching him as he says "I'm here to keep the promise I've made and that is to take care of your daughter" he says as he approached her as she nods and gave him the giggling baby before she kissed her daughter one more time before she turned away as the old professor sighed before looking at the baby and giving her the feed em and stash em like he did to the other baby's before turning away from the village knowing that this baby won't be a stolen but a truly adopted one.

location mistral third person pov: now it was time for the final target and went off to find the last baby after climbing his way to the top he found the house and snuck in seeing that the family well the parents where sitting on a couch watching tv this made him nervous as if they caught him the mission would be a bust but it was a risk he had to make  he found a balcony and carefully climbed with the grace of an old leopard and snuck his way to the baby's room and found the baby but had to stop his progress and hide in the closet when he heard the door handle giggle as he saw the mother check on her daughter before smiling and turning back the way she came, he slowly left the closet and went to the crib and just as before gave her the special milk and tucked her in the backpack and proceeded to head back to his hidden lab and prepared his experiment as the baby's slowly woke up and giggled and started to play with one and other and other a while he was ready to begin and decided that ruby would go first he approached the baby and put her into a tube that would release a cloud of dust and as prepared the dust and activated the machine as clouds of dust leaked out into the tube as ruby sneezed when I tickled her nose the professor instantly noticed some changes as the young girls arms sprouted red feathers as her feet transformed into talons and eventually her transformation finished and what was once human was now a baby harpy sleeping, the old coot rubbed his eyes before leaping but quickly regretted it as he clutched his back in pain before shaking it off and picking up the sleeping harpy and placing her in a crib before picking up Weiss next and putting her in the machine and the same thing happened but something different happened as he thought she was gonna be a harpy too (the old coot thought of calling ruby a harpy as he remembered some mistral mythology) and the baby instead of wings replacing her arms, her lower half was becoming more scaly specifically the lower half of her skin were becoming fish scales  but she retained her human flesh on her other half but gained gills around her torso, Weiss has become a mermaid and she was slightly different than the fish folk on menegria is that she seemed slightly bigger than them and she was only a baby, he had feeling she would grow up to be a bit different than them but that was to be seen in the future, he took the young child he took from the homeless mother and put her in next and just as before he started up the machine as the dust went in and like Weiss her lower half became scales but there where more like snake scales and the scales color where a bright pink as her eyes become like small snake eye slits and her tongue became a more snake like tongue and after a little bit similar to weiss she lost her two legs and instead got snake coils, the professor picked up the lamia and sat her in a crib, now for the final baby he thought and put Pyrrha in last and her transformation was different in a way unlike the others hers was less exotic but rather grew small cow horns and grew patch's of black and white fur but kept the red hair and her feet became hooves, the professor after her transformation dubbed her a cowgirl as she then fell asleep and the professor put her in a crib like the others as there years as toddlers would begin 2 years later.

(Authors note: sorry about the inactivity but I didn't really have the motivation to write but now I'm back with a new story so I chose what monster girls they become that I felt like fitted them so Nora's gonna be a more active lamia, ruby is also gonna be highly active, Pyrrha will be more on the lazy but fighting side of things and Weiss will be more on the cold but friendly side of things but like Nora also be more predatory in a way unlike ruby and Pyrrha they will vore stuff but aren't as predatory but still you know voracious and as for the professor will just call him the old coot as I can't think of a name, now will there be more monster girls, well Maybe but I'm not to sure Maybe a baby velvet will get found in a by ruby village that has been raided by Grimm.)

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