f o u r t y s i x

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"I'm hungry." I finally spoke up, sick of the hunger I felt deep down in my stomach. It literally felt like my own body was crushing up my organs. I haven't eaten in at least a day; maybe even two.

"Cool." Harley replied, not looking up from his phone.

"I'm hungry." I repeated, a bit louder than I did the first time.

"Does it look like I care?" Harley spat, looking up for a second before looking back down at his phone.

"Can you just fee-"

"Follow me." Vince stood up, cutting me off. My eyes widened and I stood up slowly to avoid dizziness. I followed him over to the steps and out of the cold basement.

He didn't wait for me to catch up either. He went up two steps at a time, taking quick strides over to the kitchen. As quickly as I could I followed him, using my left arm to put pressure on my empty stomach to avoid pains.

Once in the kitchen he opened and dug through the cabinets. After a minute of searching he pulled out three little packets of Scooby Doo fruit snacks.

"I would give you something else, but I think this is all we really have right now." He said, handing me all three packets.

"Thank you, Vince. This is perfect." I told him, pulling myself up to sit at one of the tall stools by the counter. I knew that this wasn't perfect. These packets could be filled with poison or maybe even little mini grenades. Thanks Harley.

Despite my running imagination, I opened the first packet and popped two of the gummy's into my mouth. I hummed in satisfaction as the sugary snack melted on my tongue, putting a few more into my watering mouth. The feeling of hunger slowly subsided in my stomach, replaced with a feeling of relief.

Suddenly I watched as Vince turned on the sink and looked around, eying the basement door sneakily.

"I'm so sorry you're here Andrea." He suddenly spoke, his face etched with regret.

"It's not your fault." I reminded him, opening the second packet of fruit snacks.

"I know it's not but- God I just wish I would've done something to stop them. Watching Harley beat you on the side of the road made me want to run out in the middle of the street and get myself killed." He admitted, and I felt butterflies erupt deep in my stomach.

"Please don't worry about me Vince. Every time someone worries about me they end up dead."

"I can't help it Andrea. You don't deserve any of this. Harley is just a jealous bastard. He knows that he can never have you the way Niall does and that's why he's trying to kill you." He whispered so Harley wouldn't hear him, his words still harsh.

"When does he plan on killing me?" I asked quietly, my blood turning cold.

"Not for a few days. But I know he won't be able to." Vince put his hands in his pockets.

"How do you know that?" I questioned.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you here Andrea," He paused. "And that's why I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get you back home."

Niall's P.O.V

"Excuse me?" Mr. Hanson said, getting the attention from the nurse behind the counter. She looked up at us, a hint of annoyance on her face.

"Can I help you?" She asked, pushing her glasses up her nose with the back of her hand.

"I'm here to release Andrea Hanson." He spoke confidently, placing his hands on the counter top.

"Andrea Hanson," She repeated, typing something into her computer. Moments later with her eyebrows furrowed together she looked back up at him. "She was released just the other day by her brother."

"Her brother?" Mr. Hanson spat. "She doesn't have a brother."

"I'm sorry sir, but how do you know Andrea?"

"I'm her father. She does not have a brother." His voice rose.

"Her father? We were told her parents died on a boating trip." The lady was obviously confused, just as I was.

"By who!?" I suddenly yelled, balling up my fists at my sides. Who the fuck had Andrea?

"Her brother? Harley Hanson."

Quickly, I turned around and grabbed the trash can that was in front of her desk, before leaning over and puking into it. My full stomach emptied out into the bin as I thought about what Harley could be doing to her right at this moment.

My head was pounding but I could faintly hear Mr. Hanson shouting at the lady behind the
desk. Sweat was forming on my forehead and I thought I was about to black out.

"Did you even fucking check records to see if they were related?!"

I felt so fucking dizzy that I stumbled to the ground, almost hitting my head on the floor. My eyelids were getting heavy and I knew that the news I just received scared the shit out of me.

Harley has Andrea. My fucking baby girl. I didn't even want to think about the things Harley could do to her, or where she could be. Was she even alive?

That last thought alone caused me to lean forward and barf into the trash again. My mouth tasted like death but that was the least of my worries. I have to fucking get up and go get her.

"Oh my god," I cried, struggling to pull myself up. "I have to go get her."

"Who's Harley?" Mr. Hanson suddenly turned and asked me.

"I really can't explain Mr, I'm so sorry. I have to get Andrea before it's too late." I panicked, tears falling freely down my cheeks.

"Too late?"

"I-I can't, I promise I'll bring her back to you." I said just as I turned around and ran out of the building.

The sudden change of temperature made me gasp, but I ignored the icy feeling. The snow beneath my feet made it hard to run, but that didn't slow me down. Once there I ripped my car door open and jumped right in, slamming the key into the ignition.

I waited a few seconds for the car to turn on before pulling my phone out of my pocket, the smooth metal almost slipping through my sweaty fingers.

I drove out of the parking lot as I looked through my contacts for Gabe's number. I figured that if he was on our side he would be able to give me some information on where Harley could be holding Andrea.

That is if she's still alive.


hi guys

sorry this literally took forever for me to update i've been hella busy these past few weeks

also ive noticed i never told you guys what Gabe looks like so that's a pic of him on the
side. he's played by Michael Trevino (Tyler from the vampire diaries) and he is hOT AS SHIT

okay i hope u guys enjoyed this chapter!!!

love uuuuuuu

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