t h i r t y o n e

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I stared at the box in my hands, hoping to make the time go by faster.

Harry took me home after I threw up for the second time, stopping at a local drug store on our way home. He bought me a pregnancy test. My head was swimming with possibilities. I could be pregnant, but then again I may not be. I haven't even heard one word about Niall since we came back home to our house in London.

As soon as I got back home last week I went to my fathers house. He apologized for not being there for me, he was convinced he was the worlds most horrible father. I told him he wasn't, because he was in fact the best father in the world. He means everything to me.

Calum and Michael came to visit me a few days ago. They stayed over night, trying to cheer me up. They're the sweetest boys I've ever met.

My thought were interrupted when my phone timer went off, making my heart race. My eyes darted over to the pregnancy test that rested on the bathroom counter. My five minutes were up.

I slowly walked over to the sink, using my shaky hands to pick up the test, only to drop it down the floor once again. Holy shit.

One line. One damn line.

I'm not sure why, but I started to cry.

The bathroom door was thrown open, and Harry stood in the doorway. He looked scared, and worried.

"Oh Andy," He whispered. "Its gonna be okay."

"No, Harry. I'm not pregnant." I sniffed, grabbing a piece of toilet paper to wipe my face with.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why're you crying then?" He walked over and sat on the floor beside me.

"I don't know." I whispered, another tear trailing down my cheek.

"I have good news," He told me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked, taking his hand and fiddling with his fingers, not caring about my watery eyes.

"It's about Niall," My ears perked up at the sound of his name. "He's being held at an all males prison called Altcourse, in Liverpool."

"Can I visit him?" I asked, my chest hallowing.

"Let me finish." He scolded. "He's only being held there. Ashton decided not to press any charges on Niall. So we have to go get him today."

"Why'd Ashton do that?" I asked.

"He told me it was because he knew how much Niall meant to you, he felt horrible about almost splitting up you guys." My lips broke out into a grin after I heard what Harry had to say.

"Let's go get Niall now. I really wanna see him."


"Remind me to never take a four hour car ride with you, ever again." I giggled as I stepped out of Harry's car, shutting the door.

"Don't deny it babe, you love my singing." Harry winked, linking his arm with mine as we made our way up the steps to the jail. Harry opened the door, the warm air hitting me. Stepping inside, I felt sick. I hate these places.

"Over there." Harry pointed over to the receptionists desk, dragging me over to it. The lady who sat behind the desk had to be at least 50. Red lipstick was drawn across her lips, along with a very unappealing bright blue eyeshadow that danced above her eyes.

"Eh hem," Harry cleared his throat, getting her attention. She looked up at us through her glasses, green eyes staring right into mine.

"Yes?" She asked. Her voice was nasally and she sounded rather annoyed.

"We're here for Niall Horan, m'am." I said, placing my hands on the desk. She chuckled and chewed her gum obnoxiously as she typed something into the computer.

"What're you, his daughter?" She questioned.

"She's his fiancé." Harry cut her off. I looked up and him confused, before he elbowed me.

"Sorry Mr.KnowItAll." She rolled her eyes, typing into her keyboard once again. After a few more moments, and more annoying gum chewing, she looked back up at us. "He'll be here in a minute, you need to sign these papers."

I looked at Harry scared, before he pushed me over to sign the papers. She handed me a pen, along with two papers.

"Sign here," She pointed to a spot, and I signed. "Initials here, signature here, and write your name in print here." I followed her orders, signing the papers quickly. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Yup, and there's your boy." She pointed over to a door with her shaky hands. Harry and I span around quickly, watching as Niall was pushed into the room by an officer. His hands were still handcuffed behind his back, and the way the guards were treating him made me upset.

"Looks like it's your lucky day goldilocks, your princesses are here to save you." The man grumbled, harshly taking the handcuffs off his wrists.

"I'm a boy." Harry spoke up.

"You look like a chick, cut your hair. Damn hippies." The last two words that left the officers mouth were in a low whisper. I ignored Harry's whining and ran over to Niall, smashing into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, breathing in the scene of smoke that came off of him.

"God I missed you," Niall said into my neck, making shivers run up my spine.

"Stop beating people up and you won't have to miss me." I mumbled, making him laugh.

"What would I do without you?" He pulled back to look me in the eyes, a smile spread across his lips.

"Not much, you'd probably be in jail." I grinned as he rolled his eyes playfully, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

"You guys done yet." Harry yawned, looking down at his wrist. "I'm tired and it's already 10:34, look how dark it is."

"Harry you don't even have a watch on." I told him, making Niall snicker.

"Oh," Harry looked down at his wrist with his lips in a pout. "I could've swore I had one on."



well, i decided that i'm not gonna end this story yet!!!!!! idk i just feel like i can do so much more with it and i wanna keep it going as long as i can for you guys.

did anyone else enjoy freak show as much as i did. damn evan spank me w your lobster claws

oh yeah i saw the WWA movie today and it was so gOOD AW. i love the boys so much they do everything for us.

okay well i have school tmm and im super hecking tired so ill try and update again ASAP

i love every single person that's reading this sentence, your v cute. ❤️❤️❤️

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