C.10- On Old Friends and New Memories

Start from the beginning

"How are my favorite hunky bros?" Violet teased as she sat down on one of the couches, she was seated between Bryant and Eric. Troy and Tyler were grinning from ear to ear as they stared at their baby sister.

"You have been gone for too long, Vi." Bryant said. He hasn't changed at all, he still had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen, his hair is still well kept and shiny. Still as handsome as ever.

"You need to tell us every single thing that happened with you in Paris." Eric chimed as he looked at Violet.

"Tyler thinks Anton did some voodoo shit on you for you to love him." Troy exclaimed chuckling lightly.

They all laughed. "In my defense, they have this famous thing in Asia— the Philippines I think, where they make you drink this potion to make you fall in love with someone." Tyler replied in a serious tone.

Lucas remained quiet. Observing the reunion between his friends, he was frozen in his spot. But mostly because he didn't know what to say or how to act.

While everyone was having a blast in the living room, catching up and laughing. Patricia, Joana, Monique, Luigi and Aaron were in the kitchen. They had just finished cooking and were discussing Violet.

"So, does Violet know about you and Lucas?" Joana asked Monique. She had been looking nervous the whole day, probably because she was mostly scared about what might happen to her relationship with Lucas now that Violet is back.

Monique shook her head. "I'm honestly really nervous about her being here. Not that I hate that she's here, but I'm just thinking about what it may mean for Lucas and I."

Patricia nodded in understanding. "I think you should see how this day goes before you do anything."

"Yeah Mon, this day is just all about us catching up. If the opportunity comes up, mention your relationship." Luigi added.

"One way or another, she has to know about the two of you dating. We're all adults here. I'm sure she can accept that." Aaron said as he glanced at Monique worryingly.

Monique sighed. "You know what? I'm not even gonna think about it as much. I love him and he loves me, I'm sure nothing is gonna break that right?" She was telling this more to herself than her friends.

"You guys are going to be okay." Joana went over to hug Monique.

"Now, let's all go outside and spend the day with Violet!" Pat exclaimed as she headed towards the living room. Everyone followed suit.

"Antonio! You fucking dog! Where have you been?" Dennis exclaimed as soon as Anton entered the room.

A room filled with everyone from Anton's past. Including his past lover Margaux. She was sitting across the room with a glass of white champagne in her hand.

She still looks as beautiful as I remember. Anton thought to himself as he looked at her.

"We heard you got married?" Zachary asked. "Why weren't we invited you douche?"

Anton chuckled. "Boys, no one was invited. It was a very intimate wedding."

"Well, who's the unfortunate soul?" Margaux asked as she walked across the room the where the others are.

"Violet." He answered.

The room was silent. As he expected.

Dennis broke the silence. "You promised you wouldn't bring her back to your shit again, Anton. What the hell are you doing?"

Anton sighed. He had expected this to be the reaction of his friends. He couldn't exactly tell them the real reason as to how he managed to marry Violet anyway. "Things changed. I have been doing clean business now. I've left everything behind."

"How long have you guys been married?" Zane asked.

"Five years. We've been living in Paris and she's taking up law there as well." Anton answered proudly. They were happy. This was for sure.

"Well then, we have the whole night to catch up! Sit down and let's not waste this weekend!" Franco exclaimed as he brought out the bottle of vodka.

Everyone cheered. For the first time in a while, Anton has never felt happier to be surrounded by his friends again. Leaving their dark pasts behind them.

As he shared laughter and cheers with them, he wondered if it was the same case for Violet.


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