Chapter Fourteen

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You ran to your apartment as fast as you could. However, as soon as you reached your car, someone held you back.

"Hello, darling. Looks like you heard the news."

"What the fuck did you do to Seonghwa?!" you yell, tears streaming down your face.

Hyunsang just laughs before pressing your cheeks with one hand, making you look up at him. "Oh, not much. You know, it's your fault that he got beaten up by my boys. Didn't I make it clear that you aren't allowed to even look at him, hmm?"

"Fuck you!"

He pushes you harshly against your car. "Listen, bitch, you don't have the right to chuck an attitude here for something you did." You glare at him. "You should be thankful that I let your precious Park Seonghwa live."

"I must say, he fought quite well," he continues with a chuckle. "He managed to hurt three of my friends."
You wondered how many guys went after Seonghwa. As if Hyunsang had heard your thoughts, he says, "The other one managed to knock him out." So four of his friends went after Seonghwa.

"This is your last chance, Jena. Go anywhere close to that fucker again and . . . " he moves closer to you so his body pressed against yours. He leans down to whisper in your ear, ". . . next time, I'll make sure I kill him right in front of your eyes."

"And if I refuse?" you boldly blurt out.

"Well, darling, be prepared to not only see Park Seonghwa dead, but also Mirae, Jungwoo, Keonhee, and of course, your precious little brother, Jongho," he says sternly. "I have my eyes on you as well as them at all times, sweetheart."

Your heart dropped. Surely he wouldn't go that far, right?


"How's Seonghwa?" you ask Jongho when he came back home from the hospital.

Your brother gave you a pissed look. "That isn't any of your business."

You were about to say something, but he goes to his room, loudly slamming his bedroom door shut behind him.

You sigh and take your phone out from your pocket, texting Mirae to find out what happened.

How is he?

He's fine
Got some cuts and bruises all over his body
A pretty large cut on his forehead, right above his eyebrow
Almost broke his ribs
I wonder why some random guys suddenly attacked him
They were all wearing masks and caps so Seonghwa couldn't tell who they were
Why didn't you come?

I had some work to do

You said you would come when I called

Something came up


You burst into tears, hating yourself and life right now. You hated yourself for believing that Hyunsang was a genuinely nice person.


Jungwoo didn't talk to you for three whole days now, and it hurt you a lot. Even Keonhee and Mirae were acting so weird around you.

"Jungwoo, why are you ignoring me?" you question when you successfully caught him getting out of his class.

He turns to look at you. "Why didn't you come to the hospital? Does Seonghwa not matter to you anymore?"

"I had some work to do," you say.

He snorts. "Like what? Fuck Hyunsang?"


"I know you were with Hyunsang that day, Jena," Jungwoo says, cutting you off. "He told me himself." You keep quiet, not knowing what to say. "The right thing to do would've been to meet Seonghwa at the hospital, even if it were for a few seconds. Not fuck your boyfriend in your damn apartment."

"I wasn't even doing anything with him!"

"Are you seriously gonna lie to me?" he chuckles bitterly. "Hyunsang told me everything himself, Jena. No wonder Keonhee and Mirae don't want to talk to you either. You're a fucking liar."

"Jungwoo . . ."

"It's fucking sad how Seonghwa was asking for you after he woke up," he spat before leaving you standing alone in the hallway.


End of Chapter Fourteen.

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