Chapter Twelve

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"Are you okay?" Mirae asks while you both stood in the line, waiting to get lunch at the fifth and smallest cafeteria on campus. "Jena?"

You blink. "Huh?"

"What's wrong? You look kinda . . . lost," she says, worrying a little.

"Oh, nothing, I just accidentally zoned out," you say with a small chuckle, hoping she buys your lie since you actually do zone out a lot for no reason.

Fortunately for you, she did. She just nods and starts telling you about how she got back with Wooyoung. You were happy seeing her happy.

"Choi Jena!" someone yelled, catching the entire cafeteria's attention. There were at least thirty pairs of eyes on you right now as the person made their way towards you.

He pulls you into a hug. "Act well," he whispers in your ear before pulling away from the hug and placing his hands on your waist. He tilts your chin up and crashes his lips onto yours. You don't kiss back until he squeezes your waist.

He breaks the kiss and takes your hand, dragging you away and out of the cafeteria.

Your friends, your brother, Seonghwa, and the rest of Ateez witnessed the entire thing.

"What the fuck was that?!" Jongho asks, his blood boiling.

Wooyoung takes a shocked Mirae's hand in his. "Babe?"

"Did Ha Hyunsang just kiss my best friend?"

"Yeah, and she kissed back," Seonghwa states with a broken chuckle. Everyone gave him pitying looks, but he didn't care.

Right now, his heart was breaking into a million pieces.

"I refuse to believe that she has any feelings towards him," Keonhee blurts out.

"I agree," Jungwoo says. "She would've told us."

"Yeah," Mirae says. "She never said anything about having feelings for him before."

"Maybe she realised it now," Seonghwa mumbles. No one said anything, knowing that it was definitely a possibility.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," Jongho says through gritted teeth. "That fucker can't be with my sister."

"No, Jongho," Seonghwa says, standing up with his tray of untouched food. "Let them be."

"Seonghwa!" Hongjoong calls out when Seonghwa leaves, but he doesn't look back.

Yunho places a hand on Hongjoong's shoulder. "Let him be alone for now."

"No, actually, I'll go talk to him," Yeosang says and gets up to leave as well, following Seonghwa.

Once Yeosang caught up to Seonghwa, he quietly walked beside him, not saying a word when he saw how deep in thought Seonghwa was.

They ended up sitting on one of the benches near the fountain at the entrance of the university.

Seonghwa sighs, looking up at the clear blue sky. "She said she isn't stupid enough to fall for him."

"We don't know if Jena actually likes him," Yeosang states.

"She kissed him back."

"Well, I don't know if you noticed," Yeosang starts, "But she didn't kiss him back immediately."

"Maybe she was shocked that he made the first move or something," Seonghwa reasons.

Yeosang gave it some thought. "She didn't look too thrilled to see him when he yelled out her name."


"Something's weird," Yeosang states, cutting Seonghwa off. "Last week, I heard tell Jena tell Mirae that she loves you."

"Maybe she lied," Seonghwa murmurs, but Yeosang heard him.

"To her own best friend? Sure. Just listen to me," Yeosang says. "I think Hyunsang is making a move on her because of you."

Seonghwa's eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"He hates you, right?" Yeosang says and Seonghwa nods. "Well, why does he hate you?"

"Because I broke up with his sister."


End of Chapter Twelve.

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