Chapter Nine

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"D-do what?" you whisper as he leaned in closer to you.


Seonghwa gently places his lips onto your forehead. "Is this okay?" he mumbles against your skin. Before you could reply, he places a kiss against your cheek. "And this?" Your heart was pounding loudly as he trailed kisses down to your neck. Your hands clenched into fists as you bit your lip, trying not to moan from the sweet kisses he was leaving on your neck. "What about this?" he whispers against the skin of your neck. You couldn't respond and Seonghwa pulls away from you, satisfied by your slightly flustered reaction. You knew Seonghwa was just testing you to see if you'd react to him the same way you used to before.

"I'm gonna win your heart again," he simply says before going to join the other seven boys in your living, leaving you alone and confused.

Even though you wouldn't admit it, you knew your heart was still his, because even after what he did, you still loved him. Seonghwa didn't even have any competition, or so you thought.


The next morning when you got to class, you noticed how your best friend looked a little too excited while she texted someone on her phone.

"Who are you texting, Mirae?" you question, sitting down on your usual seat beside her.

"Guess!" she says a little too enthusiastically. 

You tried to guess, but no one came to your mind. "I don't know . . . Keonhee?"

"Ew, no! You know he's like a brother to me."

You chuckle. "Well, then I don't know."

"My ex-boyfriend, Jung Wooyoung."

"What?!" you were surprised. "How come?" You remember how Mirae slammed her door in his face when he came to talk to her after nearly cheating on her. After that, they broke up and never really spoke again.

"Well, after seeing how you reacted to the whole Seonghwa situation, he realised how stupid he was," she says. "We wants to be friends again. Should I accept?"

You pondered about it for a few seconds. "Well, you know it's gonna become more than just friends later on."

She only kept quiet, but her lips twitched slightly until she smiled. "What if I want us to become more than friends?"

"I . . . You know what? I'm not even surprised," you chuckle. "You were smiling so much at your phone."

She was going to say something but your professor arrived. He began to explain the high school seminar you all were going to give.

"Some of you will be travelling to different cities," Professor Kim says. "We paired you all with the Finance students and there's a list put up on who your partner is and what cities and high schools you will be going to. So go find that out first and plan out whatever you want to do for the seminar. You have only two days."

Once class ended, you went to check out the list. You were lucky that you didn't have to travel to another city; Jongho would absolutely hate that, especially since Hyunsang is your partner.

"Hey, Jena," you heard someone say behind you.

You turn around. "Hey, Hyunsang."

"Checking out the list, I see," he chuckles. "It's too bad that we can't travel to other cities, huh?"

You were just about to reply but someone called out your name.


Seonghwa made his way towards you and kissed your forehead. You noticed how Hyunsang narrowed his eyes at him.

"Come on," Seonghwa says to you with a smirk on his face. "I'm taking you out for ice-cream."


End of Chapter Nine.

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