Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy

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Ok, Stay simple I told myself. All I have to remember is to be nice and friendly. Alice won't see me and Edward and Jasper can't change or see me either. Everything was set straight except for my story. What was I supposed to tell them? Just go up to then and say "hey I'm the prophecy and I need to kill Bella as a sacrifice?" no I couldn't say that Edward would kill me! See I only know everything about the Cullen's because I've been studying them for the past few years. Don't think I'm a stalker or anything but I am a prophecy so I kinda need to know a way to get around them so I can sacrifice Bella. I mean in Bella's past life we were best friends. That's exactly why I have to kill her. Anyone I get close to I have to kill in there next life. This was Jennie's next life. Ok Sarah, pull yourself together! All you have to do is go up to them and tell them a huge lie become there best friends and then tell them the truth and while there thinking over it kill her. It's going to be hard though. Everyone else I have killed were humans or there family were. I know how hard it is to kill a vampire. Still I have to do it. Just take it one step at a time. Do not fall apart. Start walking...right, left, right, left. Breathe in, breath out.

"Hi, my name is Sarah Halfpack. I was wondering if I could sit with you guys for the rest of the school year?" so far so good. I'm really glad that I don't smell any different from a human. My eyes aren't a different color or anything. There is no way that they could know that I'm a half vampire! My plan is going perfectly!

"Um, Halfpack. Is that a Volturi name?" Edward asked knowing that all vampires know that if you ask there last name then ask if it's a Volturi name vampires will say yes and humans will just stare like your crazy.

"Well it's a half Volturi name." I say not wanting to give anything away.

"What do you mean?" Alice asks.

"It means I'm only half your kind. Here let me explain," I ended up telling them everything even the part where I have to kill Bella. "Ok, this will take a minute. I'm half werewolf and half Vampire. Dad werewolf, Mom vampire. So that means I'm the prophesy child. How I know is that I have every power a vampire can have. See, Rosalie is board; Jaspers wondering what I'm talking about and in the future Jacob goes crazy and marries Renesme. If I wanted to and if weren't in a public place I could burn Edward worse then Jane could. I have all vampire powers and some are multiplied in strength. I'm really sorry to Bella and Edward especially. I'm really sorry about what I have to do."

Me, the Cullens, and a Prophecy-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now