But she asked me 5 more minutes to let her sleep.. Abhi perplexed what to do next.. I chuckled seeing abhi's reaction and asked her to leave the pitiful abhi.. She opened her eyes immediately and saw everywhere and distanced herself from abhi.. We both chuckled seeing them.. Then abhi and munchkin left to their home and we went to our home..

POV ends..

Prag's POV...

I really didn't expect him to join us.. He sat beside me.. I was little uncomfortable.. But I was too tired to think about that.. So I fixed my gaze at outside.. Suddenly my mobile popped with a notification.. It is from him.. OMG!!!

He asked me that is am trying to avoid him.. But the answer is hell no.. I didn't even think like that.. No I'll never think like that.. In fact I thought that he is trying to avoid me by talking with shaina.. Unknown happiness hovered me when he sent that message.. Because that means, he didn't avoids me.. Hurrah!!

My chain of thoughts broke when he placed his hand over mine.. I jerked and turned towards him shooking my head continuously.. He quitely watched me with a little smile but soon he plastered his face with blank expression..  Then he saw front side deeply thinking something.. I too saw what he is watching this much seriously.. I saw jaan and bulz talking with each other.. Actually murmuring.. I smiled at them.. He too smiled.. Then after that, I felt too tired.. So I closed my eyes.. Soon sleep adapted me..

Suddenly someone made weird sound(abhi clearing his throat😁).. I don't know what the sound is.. But I felt most comfortable with my teddy today than before.. But its quite large today.. Ok.. I didn't want to think that now.. All I want now is good sleep..

Puru patted my shoulder.. I asked him for 5 more minutes.. But he said to leave pitiful abhi.. The word ABHI makes my sleep went away and I opened my eyes immediately.. I don't know where I'm..

Then only I remember that we all are in car.. I saw him.. I distanced myself from him immediately.. He saw me with a smiling face but immediately it turns into his expressionless😑 face.. Cold fish!!!

My heart beat raised its beyond level remembering what I have done...

Oops pragya!! What u did is really embarrassing!! Stupid!!

Then after that they went to their house and I went to our home.. As soon as we entered.. Delicious aroma hit my nose kicking off my exhaustion.. I saw mi who is sitting in wheel chair and ordering maids to prepare whatever she say and they helped mii to cook.. And finally they placed all the dishes in dining table..

I ran to her and hugged her... She too reciprocated my hug.. She smiled and showed me the dishes which she made.. I took one piece of chapati.. Puru screwed my ears from my back "first wash ur hands baby" I pouted.. Mom and him chuckled..

Then me and jaan went to our respective rooms and freshen up and I changed in a comfortable sweat pants and loose top.. And we both went to dining table.. Mii prepared chapati dhal and my evergreen favourite kheer!!

I ate dinner and finally coming to my fav dish kheer.. "Mii!! How u know I love this?" I asked mii.. She smiled sadly... "U love this since ur childhood prags.. U even steal and eat puru's share" She chuckled..

"U even fight with abhi for this kheer and finally u both stole and ate mine sharing equally.." Puru said chuckling little..

"What!!.. Me!. Him!.." I asked with pure shock.. They both nodded..

LOVING MY BULLY...(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now