Part 11

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(3rd Person)

The weekend was finally over and Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were walking to school together. The two boys had enjoyed a weekend full of romance and fun, but their relationship was still a secret to a majority of the school. Daichi and Sugwara figured it out right away thanks to their natural parenting instincts and Kageyama and Hinata were starting to piece it together. Overall their secret was safe and the two boys could continue their hidden relationship. Though keeping their love to themselves is something the frustrates both boys. Tsukishima had a simple solution to this entire issue. He could easily give Yamaguchi some of his blood and turn him, but he doesn't know how Yamaguchi would feel about it. As they walked to school together Yamaguchi often tried to strike up conversations with Tsukishima.

" Tsuki! We should go to the beach next weekend."

"Why?" Tsukishima was a bit confused due to the fact Yamaguchi never mentioned anything about the beach.

" It's a fun place to go as a merman. The ocean is just so amazing when you have a tail and you can breathe underwater."

"Wait! You can breathe underwater? You haven't even fucking mentioned that to me," Tsukishima didn't really like the idea of Yamaguchi not telling him information that seemed rather important.

" Yeah, I guess I didn't mention it. Sorry about that!" Tsukishima glared at Yamaguchi then flicked him on the forehead.

"Hehe, I guess I have my secrets too," Yamaguchi giggled then lightly pushed Tsukishima in the arm. He then pulled out a small flyer for a museum, and it really caught Tsukishima's attention.

" A dinosaur museum?"

"Yup! I was on my way to my apartment after we hung out and some people were advertising for a Dino museum," Yamaguchi looked up to see his lover's eyes twinkling.

" When can we go?" Tsukishima asked trying to seem nonchalant, but overall seeming super excited. Yamaguchi giggled and took the flyer and put it back in his bag.

"First the beach, then the museum,"

"You're lucky I fucking love you or else I would hate you" Tsukishima whispered to him. 

"Let go of your hate!" Yamaguchi yelled out jokingly.

" Don't you dare quote Luke on me,"  Yamaguchi burst out laughing and smiled lovingly at Tsukishima.

"Oh! We're here let's head to class." Tsukishima turned into his distant and cold self when other people walked into the classroom. The two boys' seats were separated by one empty desk with no one occupying it. A couple of more minutes the classroom had everyone in it, then the teacher announced something.

"Alright, everyone! We have a new student," She made a signal for the new student to come it " You can come in now" A small girl walked in shyly and took a deep breath.

" Hello everyone, my name is Hitoka Yachi. I'm excited to be a part of your class,"  She walked over to the empty desk between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. When she sat down Yachi did a small wave to Yamaguchi and he waved back. Yachi did a small blush and turned away, then she turned to Tsukishima and he gave her a death glare. Pure jealousy coursed through the tall vampire's veins and he didn't know how to properly deal with it. 

"Umm.. excuse me," Yachi whispered to Yamaguchi " Did I do something to upset the boy next to me? He looked at me and seemed a bit mad,"

"Tsuki? No, he's just like that with everyone. So, you're fine. I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi by the way!"

" Nice to meet you Tadashi!"

" I don't mean to be rude Yachi, but what kind of monster are you?" Tsukishima was secretly listening to their conversation patiently waiting for the girl's answer.

" I'm a mermaid, it's kinda an inconvenience, but it does have it's perks," Tsukishima broke the pencil in his hand and rolled his eyes. He didn't like how she was a mermaid, but he had no reason to really hate her as bad as he did. Tsukishima was worried that because they were the same species dating would be easier for them and Yamaguchi would choose her and leave him.

" That's so cool I'm a merman,"  

"No way! That's amazing," Yachi softly giggled and wrote down her number on a piece of paper, then handed it to Yamaguchi.

" Let's be friends Yamaguchi!"

" Sure," Time passed and school ended, Yamaguchi had her number in his bag but hadn't put it in his phone. Yamaguchi had promised to make Tsukishima a small dinner for the both of them, so they would be spending time at Yamaguchi's house. Though on the way to Yamaguchi's house Tsukishima seemed kinda upset.

"Tsuki, what's wrong?"

" Nothing" Yamaguchi was worried he did something to upset Tsukishima. They arrived at Yamaguchi's house and put down their bags. Suddenly Tsukishima pulled Yamaguchi into a hug.

"Tsuki? Are you ok?"

" You love me right? " 

" Of course! Where is this coming from Tsuki?"

" It's just that new girl is cute and she's a mermaid. It would be easier to be with her rather than me." Tsukishima tightened his grip on Yamaguchi and buried his face in the merman's shoulder.

" I love you Tsuki, Yachi is just a friend and that's all she's ever gonna be. You may be salty 24/7, but I wouldn't trade you for the world."

" Just let me hold you for a little longer, ok?"

" Ok Tsuki," They held to each other for a bit longer then Yamaguchi got started on dinner. 

Bloody Love (Monster AU) (Tsukiyama)Where stories live. Discover now