Part 6

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(Tsukisima POV)

I completely lost my cool, pathetic. His blood had a flavor unlike another that I've tried before, maybe it's because he's a Merman. Or maybe love just makes blood tastes better I don't know I'll ask my brother after school. Going throughout the day as normally as I could and Yamaguchi looked a bit flustered. So cute... Ugh, I need to stop doing that.

"Tsuki!" Yamaguchi yelled outside of school before I started to go home.

"Yes, Yamaguchi?" I asked trying to force an annoyed tone.

" The blood moon, what is it ?" He asked curiously. Frankly, I'm surprised, most monsters know about the blood moon. It's just an important date for vampires it's a holiday for creatures like sirens or ghosts, so it is a little shocking Yamaguchi doesn't know much about it.

"It's a night where vampire's powers are amplified even normal vampires get a bit of a boost, but for pure-blooded vampires, it's much more intense. We start to get really powerful and even maybe even gain new powers."

"Like what?" Yamaguchi asked looking very excited to hear the answer.

"One year I got enhanced strength than about 3 years later I got the power of hypnosis, though I can only use them during the time of the blood moon. We're getting a little off track, it's much worse for us because we become insatiable. Human blood doesn't satisfy us as easily so we go through a ton, so I just thought if I got the blood of a different monster things would be a bit easier." 

"Huh, that's really interesting Tsuki! I'll pack a sleepover bag for tomorrow and we can have a fun afternoon then you can drink my blood! Though say my blood didn't fully satisfy you....what would you do?" My eyes darted to the ground and I told him the truth.

"Well if that was the case I would most likely not be able to stop myself and I-I might hurt you," I said bluntly with a hint of remorse in my voice. I expected Yamaguchi to yell or at least tell me off, but he just looked up at me.

" Well then let's just hope that I can satisfy you enough! You already got a bit of a taste tester so you have an idea what I taste like," Yamaguchi said happily.

"You know I never told you that the flavor of someone's blood can tell a lot about them."

"Hmm what does that mean Tsuki?" Yamaguchi asked with a confused and dazed look spread across his face.

"Well let's say that someone's blood tastes bitter I can tell that the person whose blood I'm taking is a mean or harsh person. Though your blood was something different altogether, while it tasted sweet it had an amazing tang to it."

" A tang?" Yamaguchi asked surely confused about everything that was coming out of my mouth.

"It means you're unlike any other human or monster that I've ever tried blood from and that's been a lot of people." Yamaguchi blushed and looked up at me with stars in his eyes.

"T-Tsuki I umm I have-"

"Stop Yamaguchi, I think that tang is just cause you're a Merman. It has.......nothing to do with who you are." I can't let him know that I love him and it's not because inter-species relationships aren't allowed in this world. I couldn't give a damn about that rule because I could always just turn him and Yamaguchi could be mine for all eternity.  It's because once he figures out what I'm really like he's not going to want to stay with me and I'm afraid to hurt him.

"Oh, yea that's probably the reason- Tsuki do you mind if I walk behind you?" Yamaguchi looked rather scared as 5 boys walked up to us.

" Yama, who are they?" I asked before they reached us.

"They were some bullies from Middle School I really don't mean to be a burden, but just let me walk behind you."

"Ugh, you're so annoying. I'll do you one better come here," I grabbed Yamaguchi with one arm and pulled him closer to my body. 

"Put your face on my torso, just do it before they recognize you!" Yama quickly followed my directions as he buried his face in my chest as we kept on walking. Grabbing onto my shirt for a bit more guidance because he couldn't see shit, as the boys past us they gave me an odd look. Giving them a snarky grin seemed to freak them out a bit, having huge ass fangs is a pro of being a pure-blood.

"Thanks, Tsuki! I appreciate it." He tried to pull out, but I wouldn't let up my grip.

"Better safe than sorry, so just keep your body right where it is." I felt Yamaguchi's head nod and we just kept on walking. After we arrived at the apartment complex I started walking to my own house. I just kept looking at my arm in which I held Yamaguchi's body. The wrinkles in my shirt where Yamaguchi grabbed on and his smell that slightly rubbed off on me. Please....please don't let me hurt him tomorrow!

Bloody Love (Monster AU) (Tsukiyama)Where stories live. Discover now