Part 7

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~ Hi <3! So this series is super fun for me to write and I just honestly love AUs where it's just complete chaos. I was thinking to do a Percy Jackson AU for Kagehina or Tsukiyama cause why not? Most of my series flop, but I  do it for fun! Pride month is here so let's celebrate the LGBTQ+ community! And if your an ally thank you so much for supporting us! We love you and appreciate you!~ 

(Tsukishima POV) 

Today is the day I finally get to drink Yamaguchi's blood and frankly I'm kinda stressing out about it. I really don't want to hurt him, especially if I lose control. Ugh, this is gonna be a rough day! As I walk to Yamaguchi's apartment complex my mind just goes through all the outcomes of tonight. I could drink his blood and he would satisfy me enough to where I don't go beserk, or he couldn't and I end up draining him to the brink of death. Then my mind goes to the worst....what if my family hurts him? My mother and father are out of town, but my brother is at home. Akiteru is the kind of vampire to just give in to his instincts without a second thought. Though he doesn't even know that Yamaguchi will be over so it shouldn't be an issue.

"Tsuki!" Yamaguchi yells in a happy tone as he runs over to me " Tsuki! Since I'm coming over to your place can we watch this new movie? 

"Uh, yeah sure." I looked down to see that the buttons on his shirt weren't lined up properly. I rolled my eyes and proceed to fix them.

"Tsu-Tsuki?" Yamaguchi asked with a face as red as one of my blood bags.

"Calm down Yamaguchi, you're buttons aren't lined up so I'm fixing it for you."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" My face turned red and my eyes widened. Why didn't I just tell him? Am I not having good boundaries with him? Am I being creepy?

"Tsuki it's not bad or anything!" He said while he turned away " I liked it I really did, I just got a little nervous." He looked back up at my face and smiled.

" Oh, ok I'm sorry then. I guess I'm just comfortable around you so I did it without thinking." Yamaguchi started to giggle and covered his mouth.

"What's so funny Yamaguchi?" I asked confused why he was laughing at me. He stopped giggling and looked at me with a small smirk on his face.

" It's just that hehe when you said that it was really cute!" Yamaguchi snickered. My face once again flushed red.

"Shut up Yamaguchi," I said while walking away. Yamaguchi just walked with me and gave me a gentle smile.

"Sorry Tsuki!," Yamaguchi said gently while he put his hand on my shoulder. As we arrived at school everything proceeded as normal and I impatiently waited for it to end. As the last bell rang I quickly packed up my stuff and grabbed Yamaguchi's hand.

"Let's go we have no time to waste," I said coldly while walking out the school doors.

"Tsuki, don't rush everything," I didn't listen I just kept on walking to my house.

"Yamaguchi, before we even get close to my house I want to warn you about Akiteru. He's my brother and you need to stay clear of him especially for tonight because he's not like me. He may seem nice and all but he's a sadistic whacko who will drink the blood of just about anyone. I want you to stay safe so just stay in my room for the whole night and don't open the door for anyone. I have a key so it'll be fine, but please don't trust him I don't want you to get hurt! 

"Tsuki" Yamaguchi said worriedly " I won't open the door I promise" As we arrived at my house Yamaguchi's jaw dropped as he looked at the size of my house. Well technically it's a mansion, but that's neither here nor there.

"Let's go inside I can get a servant to cook anything you like," Yamaguchi still looking shocked shook his head.

"No that's really ok! I could cook something myself,"

" Ok then, but I want to try your cooking next time we go to your house," I said while entering my house with Yamaguchi close. I grabbed his arm and kept him close to me making sure that no one saw him, but I'm pretty sure one maid caught a glance of Yamaguchi. We opened the door to my room and I still didn't let go of his arm, then Yamaguchi grabbed the front of my shirt and looked at me with scared eyes.

"Is Akiteru really that bad Tsuki?" He looked so afraid and I didn't know how to respond so I just hugged him.

"I'm not gonna let him hurt you, I promise." We stayed hugging for a bit before I pulled away to let Yamaguchi explore my room. As I walked out of my room to go to the kitchen I saw Akiteru enter the house and my heart sunk.

"Hey Kei, ugh I still need some extra blood for tonight," He said in a snarky and jokey tone.

"Yea, you better stock up," I said coldly. I walked quickly to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks and drinks for me and Yama.

"Damn Kei you're gonna get fat if you eat that much! Usually, you don't have that big of an appetite...what's going on?"

"Piss off Akiteru," I said as I walked away to go to my room. He starting to get suspicious of me and it's so annoying! I need to keep Yamaguchi safe even if it means I hurt my family. 

Bloody Love (Monster AU) (Tsukiyama)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz