Part 26

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Y/n woke up today feeling much happier than she's ever been. Thursday. The first thing that came to her mind was last night. She smiled at the thought of Kairi carrying her upstairs and into her bedroom. She turned to her phone and saw that this morning she only had one text message. Kaiii <3. She smiled at the name before opening it.

K- Gmmm, i'm going to pick you up at 7:10 today and we're going to get breakfast at a McDonald's drive through <3

Y/n- Ok, I'll see you soon <3

Y/n checked the time and it was 7:03 which meant she only had about 5 minutes to get ready which didn't really bother Y/n because she gets ready really quickly. But she wanted to have a shower because she hadn't had one since before her date yesterday but she knew she wasn't going to have enough time. So she went into her bathroom and got ready. Y/n got changed at packed her school bag. She went downstairs and grabbed everything she needed and put it in her bag. Once she was done writing her daily sticky note for her parents she put it on the fridge and her phone started ringing. 

Incoming phone call from Kaiii <3

Answer              Decline

"I'm outside, hurry i cant wait any longer to see you" Kairi whined.

"Ok,ok, I'm coming" Y/n said before ending the call. She looked in the mirror and sighed she really didn't have enough time to sort herself out and she looked really scruffy. She put her mascara and eyelash curler in her bag so she could do it while she was in the car. Y/n walked out of her house and to Kairis car. Once she got in Kairi lowered his music.

"Good morning" Kairi said smiling at Y/n. Y/n gave him a glare.

"You gave me 5 minutes to get ready and now i look like this" Y/n said pointing to herself.

"You look fine what are you on about?" Kairi said looking at the girl in the passenger seat of his car.

"Yeah, yeah whatever can we please get something to eat?" Y/n said as she was pulling her seatbelt over the front of her and looking at Kairi.

"Yeah lets go" Kairi said as he turned the key into his car and started driving. Y/n pulled down the sun blocker and opened the mirror inside of it, she pulled her bag up from where her feet were. She rummaged through the bottom of her bag look for her eye lash curler and mascara. Once she found it she put her bag back to the floor near her feet. Once Y/n started curling her eye lashes Kairi was looking at her then back at the road. Then she started putting on her mascara.

"Hey, hey what are you doing?" Kairi asked looking at Y/n then back at the road.

"Im putting on my mascara seeing as I didn't get any time to do it in my house" Y/n said furrowing her eye brows at Kairi.

"You don't need that stuff" Kairi said pointing to the cylinder of mascara in Y/ns hand.

"Ok but i use it anyway" Y/n said before doind it again. Kairi went into the drive through and ordered they're food. Y/n asked to pay but he declined. They ate in the car on the way to school. Once they arrived at school they got out of Kairis car and walked towards the front of the school where everyone was.

"Ah the star gazers are here" Alvaro said laughing.

"Your just mad your the only one who hasn't got someone to date" Kairi said before sticking his tongue out and making Y/n laugh.

"Do you guys want to meet my girlfriend tomorrow?" Mattia asked looking at all of his friends around him.

"Omg of course!" Y/n replied smiling at him.

"Y/n can you convince Ale to watch the sunset with me, he's scared of being out in the dark at night. It isn't bad is it?" Pule asked.

"Ale your such a baby just watch the sunset with her" Y/n replied making Pule smile.

"Why can't we just cuddle and watch netlfix?" Ale whined.

"Not gonna lie that's cute as fuck Pule" Y/n replied. Pule shot her a look and Y/n raised her hands. They went to they're classes and then it was lunch. Everyone was sitting in they're normal places. Y/n had her head on Kairis shoulder and she was watching Aliz and Hector in front of her. She couldn't help but think something was up, they hadn't talked all day and Aliz never texted her this morning. They always text in the morning. Kairi could feel there was something wrong with Y/n.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kairi whispered.

"I haven't spoken to Aliz today" Y/n whispered into Kairis ear before putting her head back on his shoulder. Kairi smirked and looked down at her.

"Hey Aliz" Kairi said.

"Kai what are you doing" Y/n said lifting her head up from his shoulder and looking at him.

"Hello Kairi" Aliz replied.

"Why haven't you spoken to Y/n today?" Kairi asked ignoring Y/n.

"Oh i forgot to text you this morning and i was probably busy with Hector or something but Hello Y/n" Aliz said whilst giggling.

"I thought you were mad at me" Y/n said putting her head back on Kairis shoulder.

"Never" Aliz said smiling at Y/n and doing the same thing as her by putting her head on Hextors shoulder.

"Guys Lani transferred schools because she couldn't take it when you rejected her" Vic said before laughing. Everyone was laughing until Y/n noticed something from across the lunch hall. Celia talking to Cynthia and pointing at Kairi...

{Word count: 923}

A/n: Oop shits about to go down. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now