Part 15

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As they were leaning in Kairi's phone pinged. He took his phone out of his back pocket and looked at the message he had been sent from Mattia , asking if they were coming back anytime soon. Y/n sat back in her seat and looked out the window, to busy trying to process what had just happened. She didn't realise Kairi had started the car until he put his music back on. The pair didn't talk to each other until they were outside Kairi's house.

"Sorry about that" Kairi said trying to make conversation to block the awkwardness between the two.

"Its ok, its my fault too" Y/n said smiling at Kairi. The pair got out the car and Kairi opened the front door. He waited for Y/n to walk in then he closed the door behind her. They both walked back upstairs and walked into Kairis room. Once they reached his room Mattia told them that Alvaro, Roshaun and Robert had gone home because it was getting late. Y/n went to Aliz who was sitting on a chair in the corner of Kairi's room and put her head on her shoulder watching Aliz scroll through tiktok. Kairi sat next to Mattia on his bed and did the same as Aliz. 

"Hey what happened when you where out?" Aliz whispered to Y/n. Y/n took Alizs phone from her hand and went into notes.

"What makes you think something happened lol" Y/n typed, smiling as she passed the phone back to Aliz.

"Y/n,  you've been my best friend since I can remember. I know when somethings wrong! So what is it? What happened? Did you guys argue?" Aliz typed, passing the phone back to her best friend. Y/n sighed as she read the message.

"Can we go downstairs so I can tell you? I really don't wanna type this :)" Y/n typed, passing the phone back to Aliz before slowly placing her head on Alizs shoulder. Y/ns head was soon removed from Alizs shoulder as she got up. 

"Where do you two think your going?" Hector said making Kairi lift his head from his phone. 

"We're just going downstairs to talk about something we'll be back soon" Aliz said before giving Hector a kiss on the forehead, making him smile and giving him hope that Aliz has feelings for him. Y/n and Aliz exited Kairi's room and made they're way to Kairi's kitchen. Aliz got on Kairi's kitchen counter and folded her arms in front of Y/n.

"So... What happened because your insta post made me thought you were happy." Aliz said looking at the girl in front of her.

"So we were having a good time, just singing to our favourite songs and then all of a sudden he pulled over. Next thing I know we're leaning in when ding. Fucking Mattia texted him asking if we were on our way back. It was so awkward on the way back. I like him Aliz. I like him a lot! But I just don't think he feels the same way." Y/n said looking down at her hands.

"Your blind. I see the way he looks at you, now come here you need a hug" Aliz said Y/n rolled her eyes as her best friend opened her arms. She walked into Alizs arms and they both laughed.

"God I love you, What would I do without you?" Y/n said whilst removing herself from Alizs arms. 

"Hmm, probably cry a lot and maybe even die?" Aliz said laughing while getting down from Kairis kitchen counter.

Kairis Pov:

When we get back I go and sit down next to Mattia and I see Y/n go and sit next to Aliz and she puts her head on her shoulder. I go on my phone and make it look like in not looking at them. I see Aliz whisper something in Y/n's ear, a couple of seconds later she takes Alizs phone. She types something and gives it back to Aliz. Aliz does the same. Ahhh they're passing notes. I zone out thinking about what they could be talking about until I hear Hector ask them where they're going. Then I hear Aliz say they're going to talk. I have to know what they're talking about because Y/n looked upset when she put her head on Alizs shoulder. 

"Hey im going downstairs to get a drink you want anything?" I ask Mattia.

"No thanks" Mattia said still not lifting his head up from his phone. I get up and walk to the bottom of the stairs. I can hear the conversation from where I was standing so I sit at the bottom step and listen. I heard every word. Y/n has feelings for me?

{Word count: 788}

A/n: Oop. Btw Y/n is closest with Aliz because she's known her since she was a baby. They're moms are best friends. Y/n and Aliz met Hector and Aliz when they were 5 at school. Then they all met Lani when they were 16. And everyone is 17. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now