Y/N's Mind: Crap!! I knew something was gonna happen when I showed what I could do! Now here I am unable to move or use any more magic and Twilight is hugging me and... wait...WHY IS SHE HUGGING ME?!?!

It was true, while Y/N was panicking because he couldn't move, Twilight had walked right up to him...and hugged him tight. That once again made Y/N go red in the face.

Y/N: *blushing* T-T-Twilight!?

Twilight: *in a low tone with her head down* Y/N... you are not a problem.

Y/N: *surprised* Twilight...you don't know-

Twilight: *shouts* NO!

That caused everyone to be surprised at Twilight, including Y/N who never really heard her act like this...yet when he saw her raise her head...he saw that she was crying.

Twilight: *sobs* You are NOT a problem Y/N. You are NOT a burden, You are NOT a monster, You are NOT trouble. You're just like anybody else... you're just someone who wants to be loved... but you were never given the chance...*sobs* that's why now you're not giving anyone a chance to get to know you and just trying to leave...but you've affected us and done so much that we wouldn't be able to forget you. I-I know that you're afraid to trust anyone again, a-and that you think you'll get hurt again...*hugs tighter* but if you give us a chance... I know that you won't be alone...that you won't feel pain and loneliness...*sobs* s-so please Y/N...I I-I mean WE want to help you..... Please don't go...

As Twilight said that, she cried into Y/N's chest. At the same time she let go of her magic hold on him so he could now move...and yet he didn't. He was stunned...never before had anyone wanted to help him like Twilight. Sure  a few people wanted to help him, but he easily played it off because he always felt like a burden and that he wasn't worth anyone's time...yet here was someone going out of their way wanting to actually help him with his problems. Y/N didn't know why...but it was if a dam had just busted inside of him, because he slowly wrapped his arms around Twilight...and returned the hug.

Slowly tears started to form in Y/N's eyes and go down his face. He could actually feel the tears coming and not just one. As he cried with Twilight, he felt someone else hugging them and saw that Fluttershy and Pinkie had joined in. He then saw the other girls slowly step closer to them and join in. The next thing he knew, Y/N was surrounded in a group hug by a bunch of girls... plus Spike. They stayed like that for a while with Y/N just silently crying his eyes out. He honestly hadn't cried like that in a very long time...yet these girls were able to make him not only cry, but laugh, shout, feel...even smile. In all honesty Y/N felt for all the girls and was actually thankful to all of them. He appreciated the other people who tried to help him as well, but all these girls here went beyond and for that...Y/N didn't know what to do next...the one thing he did know however...was that he didn't want to leave any of these girls alone.

Y/N: *wiping away some tears" O....Ok.

That's all he said and the next moment he was automatically back in a giant group hug. After a while they broke up the hug, and Y/N used the rest of his magic energy for that time, to once again make a clone for each of the girls to dance with, when they all went back to have some fun, the original Y/N was actually still in the front watching Sunset and her demon counterpart on the school steps looking at the night sky. He didn't know why, but he felt like he needed to talk to her, so while his clones were with the others, he sluggishly started walking towards the two.

Sunset: *looks behind and sees Y/N walking slowly to them* Y/N?

Y/N: Hey there.

Sunset: What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with the girls at the dance?

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