It Takes One to Know One

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Well...this was awkward. Everybody was just having a good time at the dance, then all of a sudden there's a bright blue vortex in the sky and when they go to check it out there's a supernatural fight going on.... With Twilight and her friends having Pony Features, a demon Sunset Shimmer, and a Levitating Y/N?!

Y/N and the girls (the Humane 6) explained the situation really quick, with Y/N saying that Sunset only acted the way she did because she was "possessed" by a demon, even though he wasn't a hundred percent sure about that...but he felt like there was more to Sunset than what her demon said.

Though once everyone saw Y/N, they had many mixed emotions. A bunch of students asked what happened to him, how did he get those scars, if he was ok, yada yada yada. Once Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna saw him they wanted to know everything, but they wouldn't force him to tell them, and told Y/N that when he was ready they'd be more than willing to listen. Now that was honestly surprising to Y/N. He thought for sure that once everyone saw him that they'd make fun of him, hurt him, and chase him out of town like the other places he went to before...yet here they all were... asking him if he was ok and comforting him...

After a while almost everyone went back to the dance, only leaving The Humane 6, the girls that liked Y/N, Sunset, Demon Version Sunset, and Y/N. As all the girls (minus the Sunsets who were being made to clean up the mess they made around the school) were all talking they noticed that Y/N was walking away from the school.

Twilight: Y/N, where are you going?

Y/N was sure that they would be too busy to notice him leaving, but once again luck was not in his favor. So he sighed and turned around.

Y/N: *puts his shirt and trench coat back on* Well like I said before, you have your crown back and gotta go back to your word, just about everyone is friends once again, and it seems that the Sunset situation is taking care of. Plus you all saw what I look like and what I have, so I think it's for the best that I just leave.

Juniper: What like leave for the night and go home for tomorrow?

Y/N: June...I think you all know what I mean by leave. I saw how you all reacted when I fought against the Demon Sunset. You all had looks of Fear. I told you in the beginning, that I was nothing but trouble...and now you all saw first hand. *points to the damages done to the school* It wasn't just the Demon that did this.

With that, Y/N raised his hands and all of a sudden the school started to go back to where it was slowly being repaired in reverse(like in Doctor Strange). As the girls saw all the damages being fixed, they still couldn't believe that Y/N had Magic powers. When Y/N was done, he looked exhausted and out of breath.

Y/N: Few, I haven't used my powers in months. I thought that if I ever used them again, that it would lead to trouble...and I guess I was right... Take care girls. Sorry if I ruined your night.

Y/N then put back on his shades and fedora, and with a tip of his hat, he turned around and once again began to leave.... well tried to leave... only to see that he was stuck where he was thanks to a magic purple aura around his body. He was then suddenly turned around to face the girls and saw that the one holding him in place was Twilight Sparkle.

Y/N was worried because he saw that Twilight had her head down, but a hand out keeping him from being able to move. He was already almost drained of his energy when he used his Magic, so he didn't have enough if something was about to happen.

Y/N: *a little nervous* Twilight....what are you doing?

Twilight didn't respond to Y/N's question, and instead began to walk towards him still with her head down.

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